https_client certificate change: "Certificate mismatch" error


I am currently working with the Nordic nRF9160DK and am using the https_client example from the GitHub repository, and as far as I know it is the latest release (last updated November 21st 2021). I have already successfully established a connection with and was able to send/receive data. However, I am having some issues when attempting to change the certificate. I am attempting to connect to, and when running the demo, I receive an output which says "Certificate mismatch" and "err: 111" (see image below):

I made the following changes to the source code based on what seemed like it had needed changing and based on previous DevZone posts I have seen with similar issues.

Changed Host name in HTTPS_HEAD:

Added the .crt file (filename dweetio.crt) in the /cert directory, as well as added "...\n" \ based on a previous post:

Updated the hex file generator in CMakeLists.txt:

Changed HTTPS_HOSTNAME in kconfig:

Added an extra err check in tls_setup (based on a different DevZone post):

Any help in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.

  • Hello, 

    am currently working with the Nordic nRF9160DK and am using the https_client example from the GitHub repository

    What version of the nRF Connect SDK are you running? Last updated 2021 seems to be very old, i.e. here is a screenshot from NCS tag v2.7.0

    I would recommend going through our Developer Academy - Cellular IoT Fundementals if this is your first time with Nordic Semiconductor. 

    I'm not sure what DevZone posts you are referring to, I would recommend including these to be able to understand what you are trying to achieve. 

    cereg: 5,"4115","0336f50f",7,0,17,"11100000","11100000"

    Your first screenshot tells me that your device is rejected by the network in the Network registration status notification +CEREG. Position 7 - reject cause - includes Cause #17 – Network failure
    This EMM cause is sent to the UE if the MME cannot service an UE generated request because of PLMN failures.

    What SIM are you using ?

    Kind regards,

  • Hello, 

    am currently working with the Nordic nRF9160DK and am using the https_client example from the GitHub repository

    What version of the nRF Connect SDK are you running? Last updated 2021 seems to be very old, i.e. here is a screenshot from NCS tag v2.7.0

    I would recommend going through our Developer Academy - Cellular IoT Fundementals if this is your first time with Nordic Semiconductor. 

    I'm not sure what DevZone posts you are referring to, I would recommend including these to be able to understand what you are trying to achieve. 

    cereg: 5,"4115","0336f50f",7,0,17,"11100000","11100000"

    Your first screenshot tells me that your device is rejected by the network in the Network registration status notification +CEREG. Position 7 - reject cause - includes Cause #17 – Network failure
    This EMM cause is sent to the UE if the MME cannot service an UE generated request because of PLMN failures.

    What SIM are you using ?

    Kind regards,

  • Hi Oyvind,

    Thank you for your response. The current version of the SDK that I am using is v1.8.0 from the GitHub repo. I was under the impression that I was using the latest version, thank you for clairfying.

    I don't believe that the SIM card is an issue. It is the nano SIM that came with the device, and I had no issues flashing the original https_client example and successfully communicating with
