Sending timer state with Nordic Multi NUS Master on nRF5340


I want to make an application based on the multi NUS sample

but I want to send timer state to all peripheral devices every 1500ms. I want start this feature after send "_START_" from computer COM port.
I want also to print on UART received messages from peripheral devices with timer state (timestamp) from the moment they were received.

I have problem. I tried to init timer and read timer satus. I tried to do something simmilar to this sample:

this is my code snippet:

#define TIMER_INTERVAL_MS 1500

static const nrfx_timer_t m_timer_count = NRFX_TIMER_INSTANCE(1);
static const nrfx_timer_t m_timer_read  = NRFX_TIMER_INSTANCE(2);

static uint32_t timer_value = 0;

void timer_handler_count(nrf_timer_event_t event_type, void * p_context)

	uint32_t count = nrfx_timer_capture_get(&m_timer_count, NRF_TIMER_CC_CHANNEL0);

	if(count > 0)
		if( ((count % TIMER_INTERVAL_MS) == 0) )
			timer_value = count;
			printk("Timerrr valueee: %lu\n", timer_value);


void timer_handler_read(nrf_timer_event_t event_type, void * p_context)

	uint32_t count = nrfx_timer_capture_get(&m_timer_count, NRF_TIMER_CC_CHANNEL0);

	if(count > 0)
		if( ((count % TIMER_INTERVAL_MS) == 0) )
			timer_value = count;
			printk("Timer value: %lu\n", timer_value);

static void timer_init(void)
	// Configure m_timer_count for counting of low to high events on GPIO
	nrfx_err_t          err;
	nrfx_timer_config_t timer_cfg = {
		.bit_width = NRF_TIMER_BIT_WIDTH_32,
		.p_context = NULL,

	err = nrfx_timer_init(&m_timer_count, &timer_cfg, timer_handler_count);
	if (err != NRFX_SUCCESS) {
		printk("nrfx_timer_init failed with: %d\n", err);

	// Configure m_timer_read for reading the counter timer at a given interval COUNT_READ_INTERVAL
    timer_cfg.mode = NRF_TIMER_MODE_TIMER;
    err = nrfx_timer_init(&m_timer_read, &timer_cfg, timer_handler_read);
    if (err != NRFX_SUCCESS) {
		printk("nrfx_timer_init failed with: %d\n", err);
		nrfx_timer_ms_to_ticks(&m_timer_read, TIMER_INTERVAL_MS),
	IRQ_CONNECT(TIMER1_IRQn, IRQ_PRIO_LOWEST, nrfx_timer_1_irq_handler, NULL, 0);
	IRQ_CONNECT(TIMER2_IRQn, IRQ_PRIO_LOWEST, nrfx_timer_2_irq_handler, NULL, 0);

Referring to the sending part I wrote code, but it is not sending message to peripherals

void timestamp_send()
	convert_number_to_text(timer_value, data_to_send, sizeof(data_to_send));
	int length = sizeof(data_to_send);
	char * message = data_to_send;
	int err = 0;
	static bool broadcast = false;
	static int nus_index = 0;
	const size_t num_nus_conns = bt_conn_ctx_count(&conns_ctx_lib);
	//    ==== SENDING BASED ON BROADCAST IN multi_nus_send() FUNCTION  =====  (not working)
	for (size_t i = 0; i < num_nus_conns; i++) {
		const struct bt_conn_ctx *ctx = bt_conn_ctx_get_by_id(&conns_ctx_lib, i);

		if (ctx) {
			struct bt_nus_client *nus_client = ctx->data;

			if (nus_client != NULL) {
				err = bt_nus_client_send(nus_client, message, length);
				if (err) {
					LOG_WRN("Failed to send --TIMESTAMP-- over BLE connection" "(err %d)", err);
					LOG_INF("Sent to server (timestamp) %d: %s", nus_index, message);

				bt_conn_ctx_release(&conns_ctx_lib, (void *)ctx->data);

				err = k_sem_take(&nus_write_sem, NUS_WRITE_TIMEOUT);
				if (err) {
					LOG_WRN("NUS send TIMESTAMP timeout");
	// Annother attempt (also not working)
// /*	
	struct uart_data_t *txx = k_malloc(sizeof(data_to_send));

	uint16_t ln = sizeof(data_to_send);

	for(uint32_t ii=0; ii<ln; ii++)
		txx->data[ii] = data_to_send[ii];
	txx->len = ln;
// */	

What should I modify to implement starting sending timestamp from timer after send "_START_" from computer COM port (and send "_STOP_" to stop sending timestamp) ?

Can you help me resolve this problem?

Best Regards
