Peripheral uart example - disconnection callback non called


I'm running the "peripheral uart" example included in 2.7.0 SDK on a nRF52810.

It works fine but when central application disconnects no advertising messages are restarted and than no others connections are possible.

I tried to insert a call to bt_le_adv_start() in diconnected callback without success.

Adding some debug messages I discovered that when centrall application disconnects, no diconnected callback is actually called (instead, when central app connections, connection callback is correctly called).

So, it seems that nRF52810 doesn't feel the disconnection by central.

As central application I use nRFConnect App and others generic BLE master application (in particular BLE Scanner) on Android smartphone and the behaviour is always the same.

Please can you give some suggestions to fix this issue?

Many thanks and Best Regards

