52840-DK does not show up on USB subsystem, cannot connect for programming

Mac with M1 silicon, installed latest Mac-specific nRF Connect for Desktop (5.02) and latest command line tools: 10.24.2 macOS

DLL error in GUI app:

Command line fails:

% jlinkexe

SEGGER J-Link Commander V7.94e (Compiled Jan 15 2024 15:15:51)

DLL version V7.94e, compiled Jan 15 2024 15:15:39

Connecting to J-Link via USB...FAILED: Cannot connect to J-Link.

I have tried every variation of rebooting, reinstalling etc. Nothing works. What is the key to getting the device to enumerate via USB?

  • Hi

    Can you confirm the state of the nRF52840 DK, as that seems to be what's not being detected correctly.

    • Have you cut solder bridge SB40 at some point for current measurements? If so, you need a jumper cable on pin header P22 to communicate correctly with the debugger.
    • Confirm that the Power Switch is on, VEXT->nRF switch is OFF, nRF Power source switch is in the middle position (VDD) and nRF ONLY | DEFAULT is in DEFAULT position.
    • Does the LED5 light up when powering the board?

    Best regards,


  • Thanks SImon, jlink now detects the board. After running nrfjprog --recover I cannot program using command line but errors in the GUI. Can you make any suggestions?

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