https_client certificate change: "Certificate mismatch" error showing up


I am currently working with the Nordic nRF9160DK and am using the https_client example from the examples in the nRF Connect via VS Code (on Windows OS), and as far as I know it is the latest release (v2.7.0). I have already successfully established a connection with and was able to send/receive data. However, I am having some issues when attempting to change the certificate. I am attempting to connect to, and when running the demo, I receive an output which says "Certificate mismatch" and "err: 111" (see image below):

I have also received a different output before as well (shown below):

I made the following changes to the source code based on what seemed like it had needed changing and based on previous DevZone posts I have seen with similar issues. I linked the main issue that I followed here:  changing certificate in https_client sample  

I also referenced the following documentation: 

Added the .pem file (filename in the /cert directory, as well as added "...\n":

Updated the certificate definition in main.c:

Changed HTTPS_HOSTNAME in kconfig:

I also attempted to change the CMakeLists.txt file to include the

I do not believe this to be an issue with the SIM card, since I am using the nanoSIM that was included with the 9160DK, and had no issues when connecting to

Any help in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated. 

  • Hi,

    You could start by checking if you have a proper name for the dweet pem certificate. I noticed that when downloaded from the website, it had name dweet-io.pem but you used Was it a typo on your end or you changed the name on purpose? 

    Additionally, you could try to download AmazonRootCA1.pem, put it in the cert folder, and use it in main.c like this:

    static const char cert[] = {
    	#include "..\cert\AmazonRootCA1.pem"
    	/* Null terminate certificate if running Mbed TLS on the application core.
    	 * Required by TLS credentials API.

    Best regards,

  • Hi Dejan,

    Thank you for your reply. There was no change in the certificate name on my end. When I downloaded the file, the name was "" Can I ask the procedure that you followed to download the .pem certificate?

    Additionally, I attempted the AmazonRootCA1.pem like you requested, and received the same output:

    static const char cert[] = {
    	#include "AmazonRootCA1.pem"
    	/* Null terminate certificate if running Mbed TLS on the application core.
    	 * Required by TLS credentials API.

    I would like to note that I did not include the "..\cert" portion since this resulted in build errors for me

  • Hi Dejan,

    Thank you for your reply. There was no change in the certificate name on my end. When I downloaded the file, the name was "" Can I ask the procedure that you followed to download the .pem certificate?

    Additionally, I attempted the AmazonRootCA1.pem like you requested, and received the same output:

    static const char cert[] = {
    	#include "AmazonRootCA1.pem"
    	/* Null terminate certificate if running Mbed TLS on the application core.
    	 * Required by TLS credentials API.

    I would like to note that I did not include the "..\cert" portion since this resulted in build errors for me
