LTE Serial Modem - Interfacing with FreeRTOS Cellular Library

Hi there!

We're trying to port the FreeRTOS Cellular Interface to work with the nRF9160 which is running the Serial LTE Modem application.

The problem we are facing is a discrepancy of how the `FreeRTOS Cellular Library` expects the modem to work with Sockets, and the `Serial LTE Modem` implementation of the nRF. The main difference being how received TCP messages are forwarded to the main MCU (over UART).

The example implementations (Quectel-BG96, Sierra-Wireless-HL7802, ublox-SARA-R4) all send an URC when the buffer of the modem has received a message, after which this buffer is retrieved by sending a new AT command to the modem, which will then send the data to the MCU. 
With the Serial LTE Modem however, the data gets send on the bus, followed by an URC:
#XTCPDATA: <size>

Is there a way that this operation can be adjusted to be more compatible with the other modems (without going neck deep in the Serial LTE modem fw)?
Maybe some setting that I'm not finding? 

Any tips and tricks are welcome ofc! 

Thank you in advance! 
