PTP-like Synchronization Over WiFi using Nordic NRFs

I want to achieve time synchronization over a wireless connection with sub-microsecond latency. While PTP (Precision Time Protocol) can provide nanosecond-level accuracy on wired networks, I know wireless setups make this difficult. Still, there should be a way to get close (e.g. 250ns)

The latency issues with WiFi - often in the tens of milliseconds - are mostly due to the software stack latency and frequency contention in shared space (retries). WiFi 6 shows improved performance, partly because its frequency range isn’t fully saturated yet. I’m testing with a couple of nRF7002-EK modules to see what they can do.

My main question is: with a dedicated wireless system (both software and hardware) solely for clock synchronization, could I use a Nordic chip to transfer timestamps with sub-microsecond latency? It doesn’t have to be perfectly reliable. If I can achieve sub-microsecond latency a few times per minute and know when those moments occur, that’s enough for my needs.
