Custom ieee802.25.4 transceiver with nRF52840

Good afternoon,

I have successfully established a 2.4GHz Zigbee network using nrf52540 + Zephyr + ZBOSS. Now I need to switch to sub-1GHz band - suits better my application. For that I need a separate transceiver, such as AT86RF212. Is there a guide on how to implement a custom 802.15.4 transceiver to ZBOSS stack? Searching through ZBOSS file structure I found some custom drivers, so I guess it's possible, but I need more information such as how to include a custom driver to my project and whether any changes need to be made to DTS. 

Kind regards,


Parents Reply
  • Hi Charlie,

    Thank you. I contacted DSR and we'll be working on the optimal solution for me.

    Another question. What is the purpose of all the drivers in C:\ncs\v2.7.0\zephyr\drivers\ieee802154 directory? There is a driver for 'RF2xx' device, I suppose it's Atmel AT86RF230/AT86RF212, at least register addresses in *regs.h file are consistent with datasheet. It would be great if I could use an external radio transceiver with ZBOSS.

    Edit: I guess the drivers can be used without any stack, just to handle a transceiver, so I somewhat answered my own question.

    Kind regards,


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