I am working on the heart_rate_collector example code of nrf51-ble-driver_linux_0.5.0. I try to modify the example code let it can connect to the Blood Pressure (loading the ble_app_bps example code of nRF51) peripheral and discover the GATT service.
After discovering is completed, I used sd_ble_gap_authenticate(p_db_discovery->conn_handle, &sec_param) to send initiating authentication request.
The sec_param is defined as below
And then, I will receive BLE_GAP_EVT_SEC_PARAMS_REQUEST event. I don't know how to handle this event. I want to call sd_ble_gap_sec_params_reply (p_gap_evt->conn_handle, BLE_GAP_SEC_STATUS_SUCCESS, NULL, &keys_exchanged) to response this event. But I don't know how to set the parameter of keys_exchanged in this pc_ble_driver.
Thanks a lot