Hello, kindly any one tell me how to run a beacon code in nordic Ev kit . I've been trying to make it work . What type of changes i need to do in the code .
Hello, kindly any one tell me how to run a beacon code in nordic Ev kit . I've been trying to make it work . What type of changes i need to do in the code .
The PCA10001 evaluation kit contains second revision nRF51, unless you have a really old EV kit with first revision nRF51. You can check in the nRF51 compatibility matrix table 4 what nRF51 SDK version and S110 softdevice is appropriate for your EV kit.
In e.g. nRF51 SDK 6.1.0, there is a ble_app_beacon project for PCA10001 EV kit. In nRFgo Studio, press "Erase All" to erase the chip, then program S110 7.3.0, then program the ble_app_beacon application. It should work without code modification.
Update 29.1.2016 Seeing the beacon in the beacon app can be tricky. It depends on what company ID is set in the ble_app_beacon. You should however see the beacon in Master Control Panel available both for PC or Android. The answers on this thread tell something about what company identifier you need to set in order for the beacon to be visible in the apps, depending if you are using the IOS or Android beacon app.
Update 3.2.2016
The ble_app_beacon example was first introduced in nRF51 SDK 5.2.0, so it is not available for SDK 4.x.x
To run ble_app_beacon application from nRF51 SDK 6.1.0 on your PCA10001 kit and see it in our IOS nRF Beacon app, do the following:
thanks for your reply stefan:
I programmed the chip with ble_app_beacon and s110 7.3.0 , but still it seems to be not working. Nordic Beacon app didn't show any beacon device around :(
Usually , i work with SDK_4.4.1 (using SoftDevice S110 5.2.1 ) in my EV kit and all examples work fine , but ble_app_beacon project is not available in its examples folder, unlike SDK 6.1.0.
i have NRF51822 QFAAC0 , PCA100001 V2.0.0
kindly guide me what can i do further to make it work
I've been using LightBlue iOS app as an alternative for master control panel, because it's not available for iOS. Every time i program the EV kit, no advertisement is seen on app. PS: Even , i changed one of my running code advertisement packet as per beacon specifications , and after having confirmed correct sequence of advertising data in LightBlue , the nRF Beacon app was still not able to identify it .
Stefen , actually my EvKit version is too old, so it only supports sdk 4 and softdevice less than 5. But thank you so much for your help, i have converted one of my working ble code to beacon code :)and now its working fine.
i just followed whatever you'd mentioned above , and now it's working perfectly. :) Thank you so much Stefen for your help and time.