Device not turning on, however BLE works, LED5 flashes once

So I am using the NRF5340, and it has been fine for a few months now, however today, it stopped working and sending any data between the USB and laptop, the LED5 flashes once and not again. Using a multimeter, I found that there is power in the device, but it isnt recognized thorugh JLink or VS Code. However, I had flashed a BLE application onto the device before this issue, with an analog input, and when I tried it out, it worked. Please let me know what can be done!

Parents Reply
  • Hi Priyanka, thanks for your response! I did not modify the hardware of the board, and my PC is not detecting the device. I had flashed the Nordic samples before, but this was a version of my own code that used a small potentiometer. The device still works with the potentio and the BLE connection with the connect app, but does not turn on LED5 or be recognized by my PC. Kindly let me know of next steps!
