I have a question about RAM usage. If i use chip with 16kB RAM, and if i use s130 (which uses 10kB RAM) and bootloader (which uses 4kB of ram) i only get left with 2kB of RAM for my application, right?
Best regards
I have a question about RAM usage. If i use chip with 16kB RAM, and if i use s130 (which uses 10kB RAM) and bootloader (which uses 4kB of ram) i only get left with 2kB of RAM for my application, right?
Best regards
No, since the Bootloader and Application will never be running at the same time. The device will perform a Soft Reset when branching from the Application to the Bootloader and vice versa, i.e. calling the ResetHandler which will load the variables needed by the bootloader/application and overwritting the old ones.
Thus, you will have 6kB RAM - 0x80 bytes (NoInit Section) = 0x1780 bytes RAM that the application can use.
I forgot about the NoInit section!
I forgot about the NoInit section!