[nRF5340] Modularization of the nRF5340


I have an nRF9160DK and an nRF7002DK.
My goal is to set the nRF9160DK to use the nRF5340 as a module to connect to Bluetooth.

There are two main things I want to know.
1. Connect from the nRF9160DK to the nRF5340 via the UART connection. Can I then use commands from the nRF9160DK to control the nRF5340's Bluetooth?

2. Does the nRF5340 require any programming steps in this process?

If you have any relevant examples, please help.

  • Hi,

    You can use zephyr/tests/bluetooth/shell sample for nRF5340.

    It does matter too much which host you are going to use, just play with shell command on PC terminal software first. When you use nRF9160DK as host, just learn how to send out command string through uart.

    Best regards,


  • The commands on the PC terminal worked successfully. However, when using the nRF9160DK as the host, we implemented using uart2 to send the string “wifi scan\r\n” once every 1 second. However, when that happened, the commands did not produce any output. 

  • Ok, have you tried on PC terminal with 1 second repeating interval before?

    I feel 1 second may be too short for the devcie to scan network and feedback results. My tests with wifi shell on nRF7002DK shows it takes around 6 seconds before I get the result.

    Keep sending "wifi scan" commands will feedback some failure information.

    uart:~$ wifi scan
    Scan request failed
    uart:~$ wifi scan
    Scan request failed
    [00:01:51.660,278] <inf> wifi_nrf: nrf_wifi_disp_scan_zep: Scan already in progress
    [00:01:52.498,107] <inf> wifi_nrf: nrf_wifi_disp_scan_zep: Scan already in progress
    uart:~$ wifi scan
    Scan request failed
    uart:~$ wifi scan
    Scan request failed
    [00:01:53.297,851] <inf> wifi_nrf: nrf_wifi_disp_scan_zep: Scan already in progress

    Best regards,


  • Thank you for your answer. When I tried it on a PC terminal, I confirmed that it responds like your answer, but when I use the UART to receive the string, it still doesn't work. Here's a picture.

    1. wtih pc terminal

    2. with uart

    What was unusual was that when I pressed enter using the UART, the result was different when I pressed enter on the PC terminal than when I pressed enter on the UART.

    1. pc terminal

    2. with uart

  • Hi,

    I am not sure why you still use nRF Terminal if you wifi shell device(nRF7002DK) is connecting with another uart host devcie(nRF9160DK).

    Can you show me you HW connection when you test "with uart" and explain a bit more?

    My understanding is that the connection should be like the following:

    1. with PC terminal: WiFi Shell(nRF7002DK) <--uart--> USB TTL converter + PC terminal

    2. with uart: WiFi Shell(nRF7002DK) <--uart-->  nRF9160DK(uart2) ?

    Best regards,

