twt setup: wrong parameter count

I want to use the example of "Wi Fi: Shell" to set TWT parameters by referring to the official documentation:

and blogs: 

i set the command such as :

wifi twt setup 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 65000 524000


wifi twt setup 0 0 2 2 0 1 1 1 20 60000

but  it is print "setup: wrong parameter count", as shown in log :

uart:~$ > wifi status
wifi status
Status: successful
Interface Mode: STATION
Link Mode: WIFI 6 (802.11ax/HE)
SSID: OpenWrt_1F05DA_5G
BSSID: 94:83:C4:1F:05:DA
Band: 5GHz
Channel: 36
Security: WPA2-PSK
MFP: Optional
RSSI: -38
Beacon Interval: 100
TWT: Supported
uart:~$ > wifi twt setup 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 65000 524000
wifi twt setup 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 65000 524000
setup: wrong parameter count
setup - Start a TWT flow:
<negotiation_type, 0: Individual, 1: Broadcast, 2: Wake TBTT>
<setup_cmd: 0: Request, 1: Suggest, 2: Demand>
<dialog_token: 1-255> <flow_id: 0-7> <responder: 0/1> <trigger: 0/1>
<implicit:0/1> <announce: 0/1> <twt_wake_interval: 1-262144us>
<twt_interval: 1us-2^31us>.
<twt_wake_ahead_duration>: 0us-2^31us>

uart:~$ > wifi twt setup 0 0 2 2 0 1 1 1 20 600000
wifi twt setup 0 0 2 2 0 1 1 1 20 600000
setup: wrong parameter count
setup - Start a TWT flow:
<negotiation_type, 0: Individual, 1: Broadcast, 2: Wake TBTT>
<setup_cmd: 0: Request, 1: Suggest, 2: Demand>
<dialog_token: 1-255> <flow_id: 0-7> <responder: 0/1> <trigger: 0/1>
<implicit:0/1> <announce: 0/1> <twt_wake_interval: 1-262144us>
<twt_interval: 1us-2^31us>.
<twt_wake_ahead_duration>: 0us-2^31us>

uart:~$ > wifi twt setup 0 0 2 2 0 1 1 1 20 300000
wifi twt setup 0 0 2 2 0 1 1 1 20 300000
setup: wrong parameter count
setup - Start a TWT flow:
<negotiation_type, 0: Individual, 1: Broadcast, 2: Wake TBTT>
<setup_cmd: 0: Request, 1: Suggest, 2: Demand>
<dialog_token: 1-255> <flow_id: 0-7> <responder: 0/1> <trigger: 0/1>
<implicit:0/1> <announce: 0/1> <twt_wake_interval: 1-262144us>
<twt_interval: 1us-2^31us>.
<twt_wake_ahead_duration>: 0us-2^31us>

[01:11:20.519,226] <inf> wpa_supp: nordic_wlan0: WPA: Group rekeying completed with 94:83:c4:1f:05:da [GTK=TKIP]

so, can you give me some help, thank you very much!

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