example:ble_app_uart+ esb_timeslot
Recently our product (PRX) received poor esb communication. I caught through sniffer that when PTX sends a message, our device keeps returning ack, which is why.
The following code deals with the initialization of the esb.
/** @brief Default legacy radio parameters. Identical to the nRF24Lxx defaults. */ #define NRF_ESB_LEGACY_CONFIG {.protocol = NRF_ESB_PROTOCOL_ESB, \ .mode = NRF_ESB_MODE_PTX, \ .event_handler = 0, \ .bitrate = NRF_ESB_BITRATE_2MBPS, \ .crc = NRF_ESB_CRC_8BIT, \ .tx_output_power = NRF_ESB_TX_POWER_0DBM, \ .retransmit_delay = 300, \ .retransmit_count = 1, \ .tx_mode = NRF_ESB_TXMODE_AUTO, \ .radio_irq_priority = 1, \ .event_irq_priority = 2, \ .payload_length = 32, \ .selective_auto_ack = false \ } static nrf_esb_config_t nrf_esb_config = NRF_ESB_LEGACY_CONFIG; uint32_t esb_timeslot_init(void) { void nrf_esb_event_handler(nrf_esb_evt_t const * p_event); // m_evt_handler = evt_handler; nrf_esb_config.protocol = NRF_ESB_PROTOCOL_ESB_DPL; nrf_esb_config.selective_auto_ack = 0; //nrf_esb_config.retransmit_delay = 250; //nrf_esb_config.payload_length = 8;//6; nrf_esb_config.bitrate = NRF_ESB_BITRATE_2MBPS; nrf_esb_config.mode = NRF_ESB_MODE_PRX; nrf_esb_config.event_handler = nrf_esb_event_handler; nrf_esb_config.crc = NRF_ESB_CRC_16BIT; nrf_esb_config.radio_irq_priority = 0; nrf_esb_config.tx_output_power = NRF_ESB_TX_POWER_4DBM; // Using three avilable interrupt handlers for interrupt level management // These can be any available IRQ as we're not using any of the hardware, // simply triggering them through software NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(TIMESLOT_END_IRQn); NVIC_SetPriority(TIMESLOT_END_IRQn, 2); NVIC_EnableIRQ(TIMESLOT_END_IRQn); NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(TIMESLOT_BEGIN_IRQn); NVIC_SetPriority(TIMESLOT_BEGIN_IRQn, 2); NVIC_EnableIRQ(TIMESLOT_BEGIN_IRQn); return NRF_SUCCESS; } uint32_t esb_start_PRX(bool selective_auto_ack) { // need a return value due to "VERIFY_SUCCESS" did uint32_t err_code; if (m_state == LL_ESB_STATE_IDLE) { #if 1 // suggestion from Nordic forum to fix "wrong pattern": power cycle RADIO before init NRF_RADIO->POWER = 0; NRF_RADIO->POWER; NRF_RADIO->POWER = 1; #endif nrf_esb_config.mode = NRF_ESB_MODE_PRX; nrf_esb_config.selective_auto_ack = false; err_code = nrf_esb_init(&nrf_esb_config); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); LL_ESB__set_address(); err_code = nrf_esb_set_prefixes(addr_prefix, 8); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); } nrf_esb_set_rf_channel(55); CRITICAL_REGION_ENTER(); if (m_state != LL_ESB_STATE_RX) { /* No packets in the Tx FIFO: start reception */ err_code = nrf_esb_start_rx(); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); m_state = LL_ESB_STATE_RX; } CRITICAL_REGION_EXIT(); return NRF_SUCCESS; }
Best regard