UART thingy91

I recently purchased a Nordic Thingy 91 device, and I have been working on it for a few weeks. I am currently experiencing two major issues with the kit that are preventing me from moving forward in my research, which is why I am posting here today.
  • My first issue is that after acquiring data from the nRF9160 board, I am unable to send it to the nRF52840 board. How can I perform this data transfer between the 2 boards mentioned above via UART ports ?
  • Moreover, I am unable to establish a Bluetooth/BLE connection between the nRF52840 and my phone or my computer. How can I enable Bluetooth on the nRF52840 and how can I link a phone to the board or to a computer ?
Thanks in advance for your feedback !
  • Hello, 

    Could you please provide more information on what you are trying to achieve? The Thingy:91 is a prototyping platform mainly focused on the cellular device nRF9160. 

    Have you looked our documentation on Getting started with the Thingy:91? We also recommend going through the Developer Academy courses, nRF Connect SDK fundamentals and Cellular IoT fundamentals.

    What version of the nRF Connect SDK are you planning to work with?

    Kind regards,

  • Hello,

    Indeed, I searched a lot of sites, tested a lot of programs and I did the Developer Academy courses. But all the solutions I try do not work. So I can not establish the UART connection between the two "modules".
    I use the v2.7 version of the nRF connect SDK on visual studio.

    My goal for the moment is only to succeed in sending a simple message like "hello world" from the nRF9160 to the nRF52840 in the thingy91 to then be able to send this message in bluetooth to a phone/computer.
    Do you have a solution for this problem?

    Thanking you for your help

  • I'm not that sure, what you want. Let me try to give some hints from my experience:

    The most only use the nRF9160 for their application. And so only the "thingy91_nrf52_connectivity_bridge" is then used for the nRF52. That "thingy91_nrf52_connectivity_bridge" offers a "serial interface" via USB and BLE.

    To enable BLE you need to plug the Thingy:91 via USB. that should also mount a "removable Disk" and on that you will find the drivers for USB serial (windows) and a "Config.txt" file:

      Nordic Thingy:91 Configuration options
    The parameters below can be changed at runtime.
    NOTE: For changes to take effect,
    safely disconnect (unmount) the drive and disconnect the USB cable.
    BLE_NAME=Thingy:91 UART

    here you need to enable BLE. Once done, you will need a BLE serial console, for Android Serial Bluetooth Terminal 1.43 does a good job for me.

    All that enables the nRF9160 to use UART0 the send data to a PC or  Android device as serial stream.
