How import modem library?


I started evaluate actinius_icarus/nrf9160 board and create a new project copy secure_mqtt_sensor_actuator, I choose actinius_icarus/nrf9160 and despite an exclamation mark , with Use Sysbuild, it compiled.

Now I would like to add modem library but I do not know which steps I have to do. 

In KConfigGUI I selected modem library but if i try to include <nrf_modem_lib.h> I got message file not found. 

What I do not understand is where do I edit the environment path variables? How manage include of libraries and linker to libraries.

The examples copied compiles good but do not helps.

Can anyone tell which steps must be done to include a library, in the prj.conf in the makefile, in KConfig in all?

Best Regards
