I am converting my NRF52 SDK application to NRF Connect. You can find the working project here: https://github.com/jensb1/zephyr-example. It is mainly to get the components up and running. For information the bmi270_controller is because i have power rail which is controlled using the PD. Would also appreciate feedback on that implementation if possible! Thanks
When adding bluetooth (CONFIG_BT) I get an error:
warning: UART_INTERRUPT_DRIVEN (defined at boards/shields/sparkfun_sara_r4/Kconfig.defconfig:24, boards/shields/wnc_m14a2a/Kconfig.defconfig:17, drivers/serial/Kconfig:72) has direct dependencies (NETWORKING && SHIELD_SPARKFUN_SARA_R4) || (NETWORKING && SHIELD_WNC_M14A2A) || (SERIAL_SUPPORT_INTERRUPT && SERIAL) with value n, but is currently being y-selected by the following symbols: - BT_UART (defined at drivers/bluetooth/hci/Kconfig:8), with value y, direct dependencies BT_HCI && BT_DRIVERS (value: y), and select condition BT_HCI && BT_DRIVERS (value: y)
I have found this is related to UART Serial driver not being enabled, but the issue I have is that I do not have UART connected to the NRF52 hardware so not sure how I can enable it?
How can I overcome this error?