Zigbee Router device sometimes joins to 0x0000000000000000 network after factory reset

I am using NRF Connect SDK v2.5.2. Sometimes, after I factory reset my Zigbee router device, it will immediately join a network with PAN ID 000000000000. I get this with my project but also with the light_bulb sample. How can I prevent my device from doing this? Below you can view the logs. Just before the logs, the button was held to factory reset the device. The device had not joined a network before resetting. 

Many thanks,


I: Network left (leave type: 0)
I: Joined network successfully (Extended PAN ID: 0000000000000000, PAN ID: 0xffff)
I: Network rejoin procedure stopped.

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi again,

    Another update here. The team verifies that the fix will target NCS 2.9.0. You should already be able to see it in v2.9.0-rc1, if I am not mistaken.

    Kind regards,

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the update.
    I have now tried the official release of 2.9.0 and I have not managed to reproduce the problem. So that is great news! 

    The reason I am so late in responding is because reporting attributes does not work the same anymore as with v2.5.2. I am not able to let my device automatically report the attributes it has. Is there something changed in this regard compared to v2.5.2? In 2.7.0 I have the same problem. 

    I have tried the code below to enable reporting in the new version, in 2.5.2 this worked by default and I could change the intervals using zb_zcl_put_reporting_info.

     zb_zcl_reporting_info_t rep_info = {0};
        rep_info.direction                    = ZB_ZCL_CONFIGURE_REPORTING_SEND_REPORT;
        rep_info.ep                           = endpoint;
        rep_info.cluster_id                   = ZB_ZCL_CLUSTER_ID_WILMS_VENT_OPERATION;
        rep_info.cluster_role                 = ZB_ZCL_CLUSTER_SERVER_ROLE;
        rep_info.u.send_info.def_min_interval = DEFAULT_MIN_REPORTING;
        rep_info.u.send_info.def_max_interval = DEFAULT_MAX_REPORTING;
        rep_info.u.send_info.delta.u16        = 1;
        rep_info.dst.short_addr               = 0xFFFF;
        rep_info.dst.endpoint                 = 0xFF;
        rep_info.dst.profile_id               = ZB_AF_HA_PROFILE_ID;
        for (int i = 0; i <= ZB_ZCL_ATTR_WILMS_VENT_OPERATION_ACTUAL_STATUS_ID; i++) {
            rep_info.attr_id = i;
            int put          = zb_zcl_put_reporting_info(&rep_info, ZB_TRUE);
            int start = zb_zcl_start_attr_reporting(endpoint, ZB_ZCL_CLUSTER_ID_WILMS_VENT_OPERATION, ZB_ZCL_CLUSTER_SERVER_ROLE, i);
            int check = zcl_is_attr_reported(endpoint, ZB_ZCL_CLUSTER_ID_WILMS_VENT_OPERATION, ZB_ZCL_CLUSTER_SERVER_ROLE, i);
            printf("reporting attr %i: put %i, start %i, check %i\n", i, put, start, check);

    Kind regards,

    Pieter-Jan Buntinx

  • Great news indeed!

    From what I can see there shouldn't be any changes to attribute reporting other than this from 2.6.0:


    I'm not quite sure what this fix is about, but you're able to verify that it is present in 2.6.1 this might be the root cause. I will discuss it with the zigbee team in the meanwhile

    Kind regards,

  • Noted, thank you for verifying. I will open a discussion with the Zigbee team w.r.t this

    Kind regards,
