When I call the function after connecting to the thread network I get a NoBufs error:
openthread_context *threadContext = openthread_get_default_context(); error = otSetStateChangedCallback(gInstance, HandleThreadStateChanged, threadContext); if (error != OT_ERROR_NONE) { LOG_ERR("Failed to set state changed callback: %s", otThreadErrorToString(error)); return; }
My handler:
void HandleThreadStateChanged(otChangedFlags flags, void *context) { if (flags & OT_CHANGED_THREAD_ROLE) { otDeviceRole role = otThreadGetDeviceRole(static_cast<otInstance *>(context)); LOG_INF("Thread role changed: %d", role); switch (role) { case OT_DEVICE_ROLE_DISABLED: LOG_INF("Thread network is disabled"); break; case OT_DEVICE_ROLE_DETACHED: LOG_INF("Thread network is detached"); break; case OT_DEVICE_ROLE_CHILD: LOG_INF("Thread network is connected as a child"); break; case OT_DEVICE_ROLE_ROUTER: LOG_INF("Thread network is connected as a router"); break; case OT_DEVICE_ROLE_LEADER: LOG_INF("Thread network is connected as a leader"); break; default: LOG_INF("Unknown Thread role"); break; } } }
I'm using an nrf52840-DK and am guessing that it needs more resources, does anyone know which configs to update?