Onomondo static profile with nrf9161 custom board not working


I'm working with a custom board build with an nrf9161, I've created my board from nrf9161dk board (change some pin and defintion), I'm able to flash and build? I can use my custom led, my i2c bus, so I thought my custom board is well defined.

Right now I'm trying to use onomondo softsim profile, but ùy softsim never connect. To debug I've tried to do this here but same result not working. Just to know I have tried my source code with nordic nrf9160dk and it's working I'm able to have lte event and I can see my sim connected on onomondo, so the bug is not on my code...

Here is AT command I have tried :

[00:00*** Booting nRF Connect SDK v3.5.99-ncs1-1 ***
[00:00:00.326,324] <inf> nrf_modem: Initializing libmodem 2.6.1-lte-11b6ed4846a8
[00:00:00.570,983] <inf> nrf_modem: RPC ready
[00:00:00.619,964] <inf> gcg: Waiting for LTE connect event.

> AT
+CEREG: 5,4
+CEREG: 2,"E29D","09891B07",7
[00:03:30.427,307] <inf> gcg: LTE cell changed: Cell ID: 159980295, Tracking area: 58013 //always got only this event only, and look strange this event take always some time to come..

+CEREG: 5,2,"E29D","09891B07",7  // should have +CEREG: 1,5 from onomondo tutorial

+CESQ: 99,99,255,255,16,58

+COPS: 0
> AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","onomondo"
> AT+CGACT=1,1


I can upload my board definition, tell me. Don't understand why it's working on 9160dk and not on my board, maybe bad board definition, I hope it's not an hardware issue with my custom board

Thanks for help

  • Hello Simon,
    Trace functionality could now be interferring with each other from the modem trace and application UART traffic if they are both requesting the same UART0 for data exchange.
    The trace feature and output from the modem would be great, but I don't have one of the Onomondo boards here to help me debug and I'm not sure if that's helping in this case right now.
    If we go back to something that works for your Onomondo board:
    • 1 Just a simple FW that runs the application UART, no modem activity or anything. Are you able to get that going?
    • 2 If yes on the previous, if you add an AT client version and send AT commands directly to the modem, this is where you start seeing issues. Are you able to set up the modem test features or anything that doens't require SIM and at least get the replies back from the modem?
    • 3 You were initially following some of the steps from the Onomondo website: https://onomondo.com/blog/test-modem-connectivity-with-at-commands/ but you have also deviated from some of the commands while attempting to establish the connectivty, what happens if you follow the steps one by one from Onomondo?
    • What are you connecting the board to? Base stations or test equipment? Are you actually seeing output on the antenna from the Onomondo board. (It's a basic question, I am sure you do, but it's worth asking just in case the issue might be on the actual radio output for some reason.
    • Is there a physical SIM card slot on the board as an alternative to softsim? Are you able to test that?
    Best regards
  • Hello Simon,
    Trace functionality could now be interferring with each other from the modem trace and application UART traffic if they are both requesting the same UART0 for data exchange.
    The trace feature and output from the modem would be great, but I don't have one of the Onomondo boards here to help me debug and I'm not sure if that's helping in this case right now.
    If we go back to something that works for your Onomondo board:
    • 1 Just a simple FW that runs the application UART, no modem activity or anything. Are you able to get that going?
    • 2 If yes on the previous, if you add an AT client version and send AT commands directly to the modem, this is where you start seeing issues. Are you able to set up the modem test features or anything that doens't require SIM and at least get the replies back from the modem?
    • 3 You were initially following some of the steps from the Onomondo website: https://onomondo.com/blog/test-modem-connectivity-with-at-commands/ but you have also deviated from some of the commands while attempting to establish the connectivty, what happens if you follow the steps one by one from Onomondo?
    • What are you connecting the board to? Base stations or test equipment? Are you actually seeing output on the antenna from the Onomondo board. (It's a basic question, I am sure you do, but it's worth asking just in case the issue might be on the actual radio output for some reason.
    • Is there a physical SIM card slot on the board as an alternative to softsim? Are you able to test that?
    Best regards
  • Hi Asbjørn,

    Trace functionality could now be interferring with each other from the modem trace and application UART traffic if they are both requesting the same UART0 for data exchange.

    Hum ok, so I'll try to get uart1, maybe I can solder wires.

    1 Just a simple FW that runs the application UART, no modem activity or anything. Are you able to get that going?

    No problem with uart0 I have all my print log coming on my serial temrinal.

    2 If yes on the previous, if you add an AT client version and send AT commands directly to the modem, this is where you start seeing issues. Are you able to set up the modem test features or anything that doens't require SIM and at least get the replies back from the modem?

    I'm also able to send AT command to my modem and get responses on uart0

    3 You were initially following some of the steps from the Onomondo website: https://onomondo.com/blog/test-modem-connectivity-with-at-commands/ but you have also deviated from some of the commands while attempting to establish the connectivty, what happens if you follow the steps one by one from Onomondo?

    If I follow all steps I got an error when I send the command AT+CGACT=1,1, I got ERROR as return on my serial temrinal, and I also have thise command AT+CEREG? return to me something like that +CEREG: 5,2,"E29D","09891B07",7,  onomondo says returning of this command should be +CEREG: x,5.

    Is there a physical SIM card slot on the board as an alternative to softsim? Are you able to test that?

    Unfortunately no I only have softsim.

    Just a question, in my ns.dts file (coming from nrf9161dk board) I have

    /* Disable UART1, because it is used by default in TF-M */
    &uart1 {
    	status = "disabled";

    What's meaning? I can't use uart1 in ns build ?

    Thanks again for your time and help

    EDIT: I think I've succefully activate trace modem with uart1, if I'm connected to uart1 with usb ttl and connect on it with nrf serial termina, set baudrate to 1000000 I can see some char like

    =LHç    C!HçVD)
    \h      C!\oWD)
    3!"dC!$\z_              PDC!\   R8FO
    =çK     D
    {\*DPHH3<               DC!vx8FO

    But if I'm tying to connect to the same uart1 with Cellular monitor I always got "Tried to send AT command to device, but no serial port is open". I don't understand why, because if I send AT command from serial monitor to uart0 it's working, how cellular monitor know where he should send AT command ?

    Here is my list device :

    First CP2102 -> uart1 trace modem (use with celullar monitor)

    Second CP2102 -> uart0 where I print with LOG_INF for example or printk (used with serial monitor)

    nRF9160DK -> the board used to flash my custom board

    I don't know if this usefull for you but here is the result of AT+COPS=?

    +CEREG: 4
    [00:15:44.353,759] <inf> GCG_DNV: LTE cell changed: Cell ID: -1, Tracking area: -1
    +COPS: (1,"","","20820",7),(1,"","","20810",9),(1,"","","20801",7),(1,"","","20820",9),(1,"","","20810",7)

    Strange behaviour if I send AT+CEREG? after AT+COPS=? the result is +CEREG: 5,4
