Bad TOUCH_ID messages using MIPI_DBI (after power up)

In our display project we changed from the SDK 2.6.0 to the SDK 2.7.0. 

We driving a SPI display (ST7735r driver)in combination with a touch screen (FT5436 touch driver)

In the SDK 2.6.0 we used the SPI in the device tree to drive the display. 

Now in using the SDK 2.7.0 we changed it to the MIPI_DBI (experimental) interface. 

driving the display and touchscreen is working fine, but  after power up we get messages from our touchscreen driver. 

these messages are send continue as long if the touchscreen is not touched. If the touchscreen is touched once, these messages stops.

 In my opinion after startup some touchscreen parameters haven an invalid value. if the screen is touched these values are set to valid values. 

Is it possible to initialize these values so that the "bad TOUCH_ID" are not triggert after power up?
