attempts at just building the nrf_dm fail in nrf connect 2.7 (distance measurement) sample

I had an opportunity, to do a complete pristine reinstall of Windows 10, and to then do a pristine install of Visual Code, nrf connect, etc.

After doing that I did this (using NRF Connect 2.7.0 which the nrf installer defaults to even though I also installed 2.62, 2.6.1):

In Visual Code, in nrf connect, I create a new project 'nrf_dm' by 'copy a sample'.  I setup a new build and point:
- the overlay file at the boards/overlay file

- the extra kconfig fragment at child_image/hci_ipc.conf

- the extra overlay at child_image/hci_ipc/...cpunet.overlay

The Build fails with 

fatal error: mpsl_timeslot.h: No such file or directory
14 | #include <mpsl_timeslot.h>
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.

in the log above that I see this:

warning: MPSL (defined at C:/dev/NRF/v2.5.0/nrfxlib\mpsl/Kconfig:7) was assigned the value 'y' but
got the value 'n'. Check these unsatisfied dependencies: (SOC_SERIES_BSIM_NRFXX || SOC_SERIES_NRF52X
|| SOC_NRF5340_CPUNET) (=n). See
and/or look up MPSL in the menuconfig/guiconfig interface. The Application Development Primer,
Setting Configuration Values, and Kconfig - Tips and Best Practices sections of the manual might be
helpful too.

Given that this is a brand spanking new windows install, ditto for NRF Connect, and Visual Code, I'm missing something?

  • I am able to build nrf_dm sample without modifications using "west build --build-dir c:/<DIR>/nrf_dm/build c:/<DIR>/nrf_dm --pristine --board nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp -- -DNCS_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=NONE -DBOARD_ROOT=c:/<DIR>/nrf_dm".

    This is using VS Code and NCSv2.6.1.

    Have you had any success?

  • In 2.7 this worked:

    - create a copy of the nrf_dm app via  nrf connect visual code 
    - for build config/Board Target:  nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp
    - for build config/base device overlay ... the  nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp file in 'boards'

    - for build config/System build: works with either default or no sysbuild.

    In 2.6.2, the samples have the child_image dir, which in my prior efforts, I used as part of the build configuration by adding in the kconfig fragment and the overlay fragment (in addition to the base fragment)... this causes the error I was seeing.

    instead you need to build in 2.6.2 the same as you would in 2.7 despite the presence of the child_image folder (specify only the main overlay in the build configuration).

    in 2.6.2 if you include the child image files in the build config, you will get the errors I originally reported.

    I'm good and thanks for the very fast help on this.

    I went over this doc:

    And was left wondering why you would include the child_image folder and NOT  use that in the build config?


  • In 2.7 this worked:

    - create a copy of the nrf_dm app via  nrf connect visual code 
    - for build config/Board Target:  nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp
    - for build config/base device overlay ... the  nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp file in 'boards'

    - for build config/System build: works with either default or no sysbuild.

    In 2.6.2, the samples have the child_image dir, which in my prior efforts, I used as part of the build configuration by adding in the kconfig fragment and the overlay fragment (in addition to the base fragment)... this causes the error I was seeing.

    instead you need to build in 2.6.2 the same as you would in 2.7 despite the presence of the child_image folder (specify only the main overlay in the build configuration).

    in 2.6.2 if you include the child image files in the build config, you will get the errors I originally reported.

    I'm good and thanks for the very fast help on this.

    I went over this doc:

    And was left wondering why you would include the child_image folder and NOT  use that in the build config?


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