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Why ble_app_beacon is absent in SDK4.4.X

Hi, can anyone tell me why ble_beacon_app code doesn't exist in SDK4.4.x examples folder , or from where can i get it ?

  • Because 4.4.x dates back to 2013 which was just around the time Apple announced the whole iBeacon effort, so it doesn't exist because it wasn't written back then.

    Take a version from a later SDK and back-port it, the code's very simple. I assume you are using rev 1 chips and have to use the really old SDKs. If not, use a newer SDK.

  • Thanks for your reply RK.. I already tried to copy the ble project code to one of my project.I initialized the gap parameters without any problem , but the ble_stack_init() function is making trouble. firstly , some structures were absent in the ble_gatts file (may be just because of older version sdk) and i copied it from sdk6 gatts file. Secondly , the error was in sd_ble_enable() function.

    i also added the library files, but couldn't make it work unfortunately.. Can you guide me how should i back-port it ? or kindly provide similar topic link from where i can any idea.

  • Thanks for your reply RK.. I already tried to copy the ble project code to one of my project.I initialized the gap parameters without any problem , but the ble_stack_init() function is making trouble. firstly , some structures were absent in the ble_gatts file (may be just because of older version sdk) and i copied it from sdk6 gatts file. Secondly , the error was in sd_ble_enable() function.

    i also added the library files, but couldn't make it work unfortunately.. Can you guide me how should i back-port it ? or kindly provide similar topic link from where i can any idea.

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