I'm trying to update the modem core from the standard firmware to the production test image on my nRF9161 dk to experiment with the PTI before doing the same on a custom board. I've run into some issues with this, and it seems like the documentation isn't the most clear on what the proper procedure is. I've downloaded the zip with the PTI firmware binaries, and loaded the board with the standard "Serial LTE Modem" example. Then, I used the nRF Connect Programmer tool to try to replace the standard modem firmware with the PTI version. When I do this, I get a message saying that "Modem DFU completed successfully!", but then when I return to the nRF Serial Terminal to try and enter commands, I am no longer able to communicate with the board. None of the commands that I enter prompt a response from the board. Can someone please tell me what I need to do differently? Thanks!