nRF52832 PC10040 Recommended Inductor is EOL

Hi Nordic Support,

Reaching out as due diligence on this.
We've been relying on the HK100515NJ-T for L3 (15 nH DCC inductor), the recommendation from PCA10040, in our design.

The part has reached EOL and we're considering replacements for it beyond the ones suggested by Digikey.

I would just like to know if there are any concerns worth considering when selecting this part beyond the 15nH 10% inductance and 50mA maximum current specified for L2 in series with it.

  • Is there a concern with switching from ceramic core to air since this is a filtering inductor?
  • Is there a limit to the DC resistance of the part you recommend staying below?
  • Is there a reason you chose a part with 6x the current rating specified on the datasheet?

Are you considering other parts going forward for the PCA10040 series?

We're also considering as an alt.


