
Hi All.

A few years ago, Nordic documentation for developers included many "examples" to practice with and learn about this technology. For instance, ... >examples>ble peripheral>ble_app_uart>... etc. etc.
My question is: Is Nordic keeping this valuable information somewhere? Thanks.

  • Hi Juan,

    We have two SDK's, The nRF Connect SDK and the nRF 5 SDK (Older SDK).. All the documentation for each of the SDK's can be found in  the Technical Documentation Website here: https://docs.nordicsemi.com/ 

    The Sample that come under the SDK's can be found here:

    nRF Connect SDK: https://docs.nordicsemi.com/bundle/ncs-latest/page/nrf/samples.html 

    nRF 5 SDK: https://docs.nordicsemi.com/bundle/sdk_nrf5_v17.1.0/page/examples.html 

    Additionally, we also have tutorials on BLE, WiFi and Cellular fundamentals as well as working with nRF Connect SDK in the DevAcademy page that you could refer: https://academy.nordicsemi.com/ 

    Best Regards,


  • Hi SwRa.

    Thanks to AMarch01 and you, I've found the Beacon application I was looking for in the actual nRF Connect SDK. Therefore, I won't need to port the old example from the nRF5 SDK to build it up and determine the minimum memory I need to run this app in a Nordic SoC.

    However, checking the main.c file on this app, I don't find elements (API functions?) to change several properties of the SoC that are critical in my project (like the device name, the output power, the advertising PHY modulation, the interval, the duration, or the adv_data_flags), elements, all of them, being accessible in some of the examples I tried in the past (for instance in one called ble_app_uart) using in this case, the old nRF5 SDK, allowing me to change all the mentioned parameters and fine-tune the module based in a nRF52840 SoC.

    Would you please let me know where to find these functions to perform the same fine-tunes I made on the nRF52840 and see how the fact of having an SoC with much less memory and no receiving radio affects the chip autonomy on the Beacon.



  • I think what is funny about your question, is that I plan on opening that project in the near future here and attempt to adjust the very same variables you mentioned among others. I am guessing that they are a part of the prj.conf variables. There is a common variable list in Zephyr / Nordic that adjust the parameters, and then you specify them in the proj.conf file. 

    Right now the file proj.conf ontains the following:

    CONFIG_BT_DEVICE_NAME="Test beacon"

    I would start searching around for the CONFIG_BT switch to find other switches to help with configuration. They are in there somewhere.

    There are probably some library calls that can do the modifications dynamically, but I haven't searched for them yet. 

    The sad part is that I don't have an answer for you.

  • Probably more detail then you want at the moment, but I am examining parts of the BT Controller to figure out how the low-end pieces function, or where they exist at least.

    LE Controller — Zephyr Project Documentation
    and pieces found here


    Maybe this information doesn't help you ...

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