serial timeout


on a Mac, I am trying to install credentials to a nRF9160 using

The nRF9160 is running the AT Host application. I can connect to it via the nRF Serial Terminal using /dev/cu.usbserial-0001 (115200/8/N/1) and send AT commands and receive results.

Then I disconnect and close the nRF Serial Terminal and run 

$ python3 -v --port /dev/cu.usbserial-0001 <parameters> 

I always get

OS detect: Linux=False, MacOS=True, Windows=False

Opening port /dev/cu.usbserial-0001 as generic device...

Disabling LTE and GNSS...

-> AT+CFUN=4

Serial timeout

Unable to communicate

I also tried a small python test application and it was able to communicate with the nRF9160 just fine. But seems to have a problem.

Any ideas are appreciated.

Edit: I switched to using the modem shell and RTT as the communications method and that works fine. So there appears to be a bug in with the serial communication in

-- Terrence


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