Hi all!
Today I run tests in a public place (some Art Design College) and it looks that radio environment, that exists in the place, kills nrf51 completely.... My guess - terrible radio noise. As I could observe, they use Motorola AP8132 or something similar with 6 antennas. Two APs in the room 10x10 m.
As soon as I start scanning (sd_ble_gap_scan_start), beacon hangs. If I implement a watchdog, it is constantly rebooting.
So three questions, if anybody got in same conditions:
Are there any special tuning available inside nrf51 to work around such interference?
What is best scan params (ble_gap_scan_params_t) to avoid hanging the beacon when it scanning?
How can I debug this mess over SWD? (namely, with help of openocd)
I also have to report, that for convenience reasons I use telephone cord wire (4-wire) to power beacons and have a terminal connection with them (up to 10 meters). So, sorry stupid assumption, is there any chance, that these wires can act as a degradation factor of environment for the chip?