I download the hex file in nRF5_SDK_11.0.0-2.alpha_bc3f6a0\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_beacon\hex\ble_app_beacon_s132_pca10040.hex
directly into the nrf52-DK. But the nRF Beacons in iPhone can not found any beacon nearby.
I also use the RF5_SDK_11.0.0-2.alpha_bc3f6a0\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_beacon\pca10040\s132\arm5_no_packs\ble_app_beacon_s132_pca10040
project complie and download. The result is same.
The led1 is blinking. I am very sure the softdevices is download. The other demo file can work very well. What should I do? Thanks a lot!