Why is UART Power Management Not Affecting Power Consumption on nRF9151DK?

您好,我目前正在使用 SDK 版本为 v2.7.0 的 nRF9151DK 开发板。我的目标是通过在不需要时以编程方式暂停 UART 来降低运行时的功耗。以下是我的代码:
void button_pressed_cb(const struct device *dev, struct gpio_callback *cb, uint32_t pins)
if (pins & BIT(button0.pin))
uart_tx(pc_uart_dev, "Button 0 pressed\n", sizeof("Button 0 pressed\n")-1, SYS_FOREVER_US);
if (pm_device_action_run(pc_uart_dev, PM_DEVICE_ACTION_SUSPEND) != 0)
uart_tx(pc_uart_dev, "无法暂停 UART\n", sizeof("无法暂停 UART\n")-1, SYS_FOREVER_US);
if (pins & BIT(button1.pin))
uart_tx(pc_uart_dev, "按下按钮 1\n", sizeof("按下按钮 1\n")-1, SYS_FOREVER_US);
if (pm_device_action_run(pc_uart_dev, PM_DEVICE_ACTION_RESUME) != 0)
uart_tx(pc_uart_dev, "无法恢复 UART\n", sizeof("无法恢复 UART\n")-1, SYS_FOREVER_US);
if (pins & BIT(button2.pin))
uart_tx(pc_uart_dev, "按下按钮 2\n", sizeof("按下按钮 2\n")-1, SYS_FOREVER_US);
if (pins & BIT(button3.pin))
uart_tx(pc_uart_dev, "按下按钮 3\n", sizeof("按下按钮 3\n")-1, SYS_FOREVER_US);

然而,我观察到,在拨打pm_device_action_run(pc_uart_dev, PM_DEVICE_ACTION_SUSPEND)或之后pm_device_action_run(pc_uart_dev, PM_DEVICE_ACTION_RESUME),使用功率分析仪测量时功耗没有变化。

button2我可以确认这两个API执行正确,因为我可以观察到按下和 时的响应button3。但是,我很疑惑为什么功耗保持不变。

Parents Reply
  • Thank you very much for your help. I have consulted the FAE who provides support for us and figured out where the additional power consumption comes from. It is actually because, for a simple program like Blinky, if the modem is not put into sleep mode in the code, the modem's state becomes unknown, which could be the source of the extra power consumption.
