Matter door lock using Bluetooth LE with Nordic UART Service

I am try to make Bluetooth LE with Nordic UART Service bondable in to pair with central, not requiring to enter pairing code again and again. 

I have set followings in prj.conf file but matter ble manager fails to start after adding these in config file:




This is how I generally do to enable bonding with nRF connect but something is happening when used with Bluetooth LE Nordic UART Service used in Matter lock example. 

Parents Reply
  • I want passkey but the point is if two BT devices are paired and bonded, device should not ask for passkey again. Right? But if I enable bondable config on matter door lock sample, BLE manager stops working. 

    Generally, if perhipheral is paired with a cenrtal such as mobile if if you disconnected your phone from the peripheral and then reconnected, you could re-encrypt the link without pairing again. But if we reset the device and tried to reconnect, we needed to pair again. I want to enable bonding on matter door lock sample but it is not working. 
