Hi, I am using nRF52840DK SDK 2.5.0 for testing Zigbee.
I have three boards of this type, for the coordinator, router and end device.
For testing I use the end device I use the Zigbee Light Switch project and there is one very big problem with it, it cannot be rebooted, any attempt to reboot results in BUS FAULT:
E: ***** BUS FAULT *****
E: Imprecise data bus error
E: r0/a1: 0x00005e53 r1/a2: 0x2003fff8 r2/a3: 0x00000001
E: r3/a4: 0x00005e49 r12/ip: 0x150b000a r14/lr: 0x00011dab
E: xpsr: 0x81000000
E: s[ 0]: 0x00058464 s[ 1]: 0x00000000 s[ 2]: 0x000584cc s[ 3]: 0x0000000
E: s[ 4]: 0x00000000 s[ 5]: 0x000135e3 s[ 6]: 0x000135cd s[ 7]: 0x0002cd1
E: s[ 8]: 0x2000cdb4 s[ 9]: 0x0002cd19 s[10]: 0x00000000 s[11]: 0x0002cd2
E: s[12]: 0x20003c38 s[13]: 0x00011b4f s[14]: 0x0002cd19 s[15]: 0x00012d0
E: fpscr: 0xaaaaaaaa
E: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00011dac
The only way to use this firmware is to constantly burn it again, in this form it allows you to test at least something.
I tested this project on 3 similar boards, the result is the same.
On the SDK version 2.6.0 the project does not build at all.
# # Copyright (c) 2020 Nordic Semiconductor ASA # # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Nordic-5-Clause # CONFIG_NCS_SAMPLES_DEFAULTS=y CONFIG_UART_INTERRUPT_DRIVEN=y CONFIG_SERIAL=y CONFIG_GPIO=y # Make sure printk is not printing to the UART console CONFIG_CONSOLE=y #CONFIG_UART_CONSOLE=y CONFIG_HEAP_MEM_POOL_SIZE=2048 CONFIG_ZIGBEE=y CONFIG_ZIGBEE_APP_UTILS=y CONFIG_ZIGBEE_ROLE_END_DEVICE=y # Enable DK LED and Buttons library CONFIG_DK_LIBRARY=y # This example requires more workqueue stack CONFIG_SYSTEM_WORKQUEUE_STACK_SIZE=2048 # Enable API for powering down unused RAM parts CONFIG_RAM_POWER_DOWN_LIBRARY=y # Networking CONFIG_NET_IPV6=n CONFIG_NET_IP_ADDR_CHECK=n CONFIG_NET_UDP=n CONFIG_CRYPTO=y CONFIG_MBEDTLS=y CONFIG_MBEDTLS_AES_C=y CONFIG_MBEDTLS_CIPHER_MODE_CTR=y CONFIG_MBEDTLS_CMAC_C=y CONFIG_NORDIC_SECURITY_BACKEND=y # Custom (NUS) # Включение поддержки Bluetooth CONFIG_BT=y CONFIG_BT_PERIPHERAL=y CONFIG_BT_NUS=y # Настройка устройства CONFIG_BT_DEVICE_NAME="nRF52840 Light Switch" ############################## # Включаем логи для Bluetooth CONFIG_BT_DEBUG_LOG=y
I am also attaching the current version of prj.conf, the configuration has already been partially changed to allow sending commands via nRF Toolbox.