Power management nrf9160


I am trying to achieve a few uA current in nrf9160 but with even all conf off and empty while loop or even without the while loop the controller is consuming 5mA which is too much. The CONFIG_PM does not work in nrf-sdk 2.5.0 and as I am currently for testing not using any device so the CONFIG_PM_DEVICE is also of no use.
What exactly do I need to do to put the nrf9160 in SYSTEM_ON (sleep) mode so it takes around 5uA.
This is a custom board and I am using the power profiler. I have tried different cables , power profilers and boards, the results are same.
I have tried even all configs specifically =n. the pm_state_force and other pm function are also not working.
I am using norfic zephyr fork 3.6.99 ncs1 rc2 and also tried 3.4.99-ncs1-2, zephyr sdk 0.16.8.

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