Hi, I'd like to know how tp estimate of the best "timing accuracy" I could expect to achieve between an iOS device and a peripheral device. The objective is to make a specific thing happen at the same time on these two devices.
Using BLE, one approach to achieve the timing would be to let the iOS device control timing by writing a characteristic (without response). I.e., the iOS device initiates the write at some specific time, and the peripheral device initates it's response as soon as it receives/sees the written characteristic.
With a connection intervall of 20 ms, and ignoring other details, I think we'd get an average timing error of 10 ms, and a worst case error of 20 ms.
I'd like to achieve better timing than this, any ideas? /Christian
Note: I've read the question/answer for How do I calculate througput for a BLE link - it's very instructive, but I think not relevant for this.