Does anyone know of a good tool(s) for prototyping proprietary services and characteristics for App development? Our App dev team is ahaead of our firmware team and they want to start testing soon.
Thanks in advance. Darren
Does anyone know of a good tool(s) for prototyping proprietary services and characteristics for App development? Our App dev team is ahaead of our firmware team and they want to start testing soon.
Thanks in advance. Darren
If you are simply after setting up a peripheral with a gatt server to test your central side app you could look at our new tool yggdrasil (this might be renamed for the final release). You can find a blog for it here. Another option would be to use lightblue for iOS or a similar tool to run on your smartphone to configure the phone as a peripheral with a gatt server.
If you are simply after setting up a peripheral with a gatt server to test your central side app you could look at our new tool yggdrasil (this might be renamed for the final release). You can find a blog for it here. Another option would be to use lightblue for iOS or a similar tool to run on your smartphone to configure the phone as a peripheral with a gatt server.