What is the best way to read cluster attributes periodically in zigbee network coordnicator?
any sample code available for one time request or subscription for value change or periodic subscription ?
What is the best way to read cluster attributes periodically in zigbee network coordnicator?
any sample code available for one time request or subscription for value change or periodic subscription ?
You can for instance use attribute reporting. This method allows the coordinator to receive automatic updates from devices when attribute values change, without having to constantly poll for data. Here's how you can set it up:
1. Create a binding between the coordinator and the device for the specific cluster you want to monitor. This is done using the `zdo bind on` command [Zigbee shell](developer.nordicsemi.com/.../shell.html).
2. Configure attribute reporting using the `zcl subscribe on` command. This sets up the reporting intervals for the attributes you're interested in [Zigbee shell](developer.nordicsemi.com/.../shell.html).
Here's an example of how to set this up:
1. Create a binding: zdo bind on <source_eui64> <source_ep> <dst_addr> <dst_ep> <cluster_id> <request_dst_addr>
2. Configure attribute reporting: zcl subscribe on <addr> <ep> <cluster> <profile> <attr_id> <attr_type> [<min_interval>] [<max_interval>]
For example, to set up reporting for a temperature attribute every 5 to 20 seconds: zcl subscribe on 0x1234 10 0x0402 0x0104 0x0000 29 5 20
This approach is more efficient than constantly reading attributes, as it reduces network traffic and power consumption on battery-operated devices. The coordinator will receive automatic updates when attribute values change within the specified intervals https://docs.nordicsemi.com/bundle/ncs-latest/page/nrf/applications/zigbee_weather_station/README.html#creating_bindings_for_periodic_notifications
If you need to manually read attributes at specific times, you can use the `zcl attr read` command https://developer.nordicsemi.com/nRF_Connect_SDK/doc/2.5.0/nrf/libraries/zigbee/shell.html, but this is not recommended for frequent, periodic readings.
Kind regards,
zb_uint8_t zcl_endpoint_handler(zb_uint8_t param) { LOG_INF("Bulb state:"); zb_zcl_parsed_hdr_t *cmd_info = ZB_BUF_GET_PARAM(param, zb_zcl_parsed_hdr_t); if (cmd_info->cmd_id == ZB_ZCL_CMD_READ_ATTRIB_RESP) { zb_zcl_read_attr_res_t *attr_resp; ZB_ZCL_GENERAL_GET_NEXT_READ_ATTR_RES(param, attr_resp); if (attr_resp->status == ZB_ZCL_STATUS_SUCCESS) { zb_uint8_t on_off_value = attr_resp->attr_value[0]; LOG_INF("Bulb state: %s", on_off_value ? "ON" : "OFF"); } else { LOG_ERR("Failed to read attribute. Status: %d", attr_resp->status); } return ZB_TRUE; } if (cmd_info->cmd_id == ZB_ZCL_CMD_REPORT_ATTRIB) { zb_zcl_report_attr_req_t *report_attr_req; ZB_ZCL_GENERAL_GET_NEXT_REPORT_ATTR_REQ(param, report_attr_req); if (report_attr_req->attr_id == ZB_ZCL_ATTR_ON_OFF_ON_OFF_ID) { zb_uint8_t on_off_status = report_attr_req->attr_value[0]; printf("Received on/off status: %d\n", on_off_status); } } return ZB_FALSE; } static zb_callback_t zb_bind_callback() { printf("Device Binding Completed:\n"); } static void bind_req(uint16_t short_addr, zb_ieee_addr_t iee_addr, uint16_t ep) { zb_bufid_t bufid; zb_ieee_addr_t recv_nwk_addr; zb_zdo_bind_req_param_t *p_req; bufid = zb_buf_get_out(); // Get the long address of the reporting device zb_osif_get_ieee_eui64(recv_nwk_addr); zb_uint16_t receiver_short_addr = 0x0000; p_req = ZB_BUF_GET_PARAM(bufid, zb_zdo_bind_req_param_t); // receiver_nwk_addr is the long address of the device that will receive the reports // This needs to be retrieved in some way ZB_MEMCPY(p_req->src_address, iee_addr, sizeof(zb_ieee_addr_t)); p_req->src_endp = ep; p_req->cluster_id = ZB_ZCL_ATTR_ON_OFF_ON_OFF_ID; p_req->dst_addr_mode = ZB_BIND_DST_ADDR_MODE_64_BIT_EXTENDED; ZB_MEMCPY(p_req->dst_address.addr_long, recv_nwk_addr, sizeof(zb_ieee_addr_t)); p_req->dst_endp = ZIGBEE_COORDINATOR_ENDPOINT; p_req->req_dst_addr = receiver_short_addr; zb_zdo_bind_req(bufid, zb_bind_callback); } void print_read_attr_subscribe_resp(zb_bufid_t bufid) { zb_zcl_configure_reporting_res_t *resp; ZB_ZCL_GENERAL_GET_NEXT_CONFIGURE_REPORTING_RES(bufid, resp); if (resp != NULL) { printf("Configure Reporting Response:\n"); printf("Status: 0x%02x\n", resp->status); printf("Direction: 0x%02x\n", resp->direction); printf("Attribute ID: 0x%04x\n", resp->attr_id); if (resp->status == ZB_ZCL_STATUS_SUCCESS) { printf("Configure Reporting request was successful\n"); } else { printf("Configure Reporting request failed\n"); } } else { printf("No Configure Reporting response received\n"); } } void read_device_state(uint16_t short_addr, uint16_t ep) { zb_uint8_t *p_cmd_buf; zb_bufid_t bufid; bufid = zb_buf_get_out(); ZB_ZCL_GENERAL_INIT_READ_ATTR_REQ(bufid, p_cmd_buf, ZB_ZCL_ENABLE_DEFAULT_RESPONSE); // printf("log3 %s\n", bufid); ZB_ZCL_GENERAL_ADD_ID_READ_ATTR_REQ(p_cmd_buf, ZB_ZCL_ATTR_ON_OFF_ON_OFF_ID); ZB_ZCL_GENERAL_SEND_READ_ATTR_REQ(bufid, p_cmd_buf, short_addr, ZB_APS_ADDR_MODE_16_ENDP_PRESENT, ep, ZIGBEE_COORDINATOR_ENDPOINT, ZB_AF_HA_PROFILE_ID, ZB_ZCL_CLUSTER_ID_ON_OFF, print_read_attr_resp); // print_read_attr_resp); zb_bufid_t cfg_buf = zb_buf_get_out(); ZB_ZCL_GENERAL_INIT_CONFIGURE_REPORTING_SRV_REQ(cfg_buf, p_cmd_buf, ZB_ZCL_ENABLE_DEFAULT_RESPONSE); ZB_ZCL_GENERAL_ADD_SEND_REPORT_CONFIGURE_REPORTING_REQ( p_cmd_buf, ZB_ZCL_ATTR_ON_OFF_ON_OFF_ID, ZB_ZCL_ATTR_TYPE_BOOL, 0x0005, 0x0010, 0); // reportable change for Boolean is always 0 ZB_ZCL_GENERAL_SEND_CONFIGURE_REPORTING_REQ( cfg_buf, p_cmd_buf, short_addr, ZB_APS_ADDR_MODE_16_ENDP_PRESENT, ep, ZIGBEE_COORDINATOR_ENDPOINT, ZB_AF_HA_PROFILE_ID, ZB_ZCL_CLUSTER_ID_ON_OFF, print_read_attr_subscribe_resp); }
[00:00:42.424,224] <inf> app: New device commissioned or rejoined (short: 0xc3cf) [00:00:42.448,852] <inf> app: IEEE Address: 30:88:e7:fe:ff:44:5b:38 [00:00:42.489,288] <inf> app: 0 [00:00:42.508,544] <inf> app: Joining period extended. Device Binding Completed: [00:00:42.597,106] <inf> app: Bulb state: [00:00:42.618,743] <inf> app: Bulb state: ON [00:00:42.647,247] <inf> app: read attribute called! [00:00:42.669,036] <inf> app: Bulb state: Configure Reporting Response: Status: 0x00 Direction: 0x01 Attribute ID: 0x0006 Configure Reporting request was successful [00:00:45.282,226] <inf> zigbee_app_utils: Device authorization event received (short: 0xc3cf, long: 385b44fffee78830, authorization type: 1, authorization status: 0) [00:00:48.439,147] <inf> zigbee_app_utils: Unimplemented signal (signal: 54, status: 0)
I edited your comment to use code blocks. Please use insert -> Code when uploading code and logs.
Regarding why the subscription didn't work. Are you certain the attribute you're trying to monitor are changing? It won't notify you unless its value has changed.
Kind regards,
I edited your comment to use code blocks. Please use insert -> Code when uploading code and logs.
Regarding why the subscription didn't work. Are you certain the attribute you're trying to monitor are changing? It won't notify you unless its value has changed.
Kind regards,
Hi AHaug
Yes I changed value from coordinator to target device but still it didn't gave any value change
Thank you for verifying. Could you post the command you've used and/or point me to where in the code you attached I should look?
Kind regards,
Hi AHaug
I am sure the on/off is working and happending as its smart plug I used to send uart command to on or off and it reflects on plug.
Hi Ahaug
I am using this method to on/off target device
Could you do a Zigbee sniffer trace and see if your nodes actually does send attribute reports or not when the state changes?
Kind regards,