Google Find My Device Network implementation


I need to implement Find My Device for nRF52833. 

From Sample I could find "samples/bluetooth/fast_pair/Locator Tag" example. I tried to go through it. but I could not able to map with fast pair specification(Fast Pair  |  Google for Developers). 

I want to check in which function advertisement is prepared ?

How keys(account keys,anti-snoofing keys) are sent in encrypted ?

In the advertisement which data we are sending(like fast pair UUID, Model id, anti snoofing keys, unique mac address,salt field ) etc ?  

  • Hello,

    Are you aware that for the fast pair feature to work, you will need to register your user as a developer user on Google with a valid Bluetooth Company ID from Bluetooth SIG?

    Then the Android user on the phone that you are testing on needs to be signed in with the same email as the one that you registered with Google. Have you done this?

    Best regards,


  • Hello Edvin,

    Thank you for your reply.

    Yes, I had filled form for Google Model ID registration. Model ID and spoofing keys are generated. Google is reviewing the form.  Is there anything else do I need to register ?

  • Nareshpatel said:
    Google is reviewing the form.

    So you have not yet received confirmation that the review process is final? 

    The part of the magic that happens between the advertisements and the fast pair popups is all Android/Google magic. But when the form is approved, and if you are signed in using the same email address on your phone that you used in the form, then it should pop up.

    This being said, I am not sure about the pop-up on the locator tag sample. I think the fast pair process is a bit different there. Can you please test the input_device sample found in NCS\nrf\samples\bluetooth\fast_pair\input_device? Do you see the popup message on that one (given that your form is approved by Google)?

    Best regards,


  • No. Pop up is not coming. I could see Device Name in Bluetooth advertisement.  

  • Sorry, maybe I jumped to conclusions initally. Most people asking about this says that they don't see the fast pair popup in Android. I am not sure exactly how the keys are being used. It is based on Google/android specification, so I don't think there is much room for customization exactly there. 

    I believe the advertisement data is set in NCS\nrf\subsys\bluetooth\services\fast_pair\fmdn\state.c, in e.g. fmdn_adv_data_async_update() it is set several places. At least there it calls bt_le_ext_adv_set_data().

    Is it something in particular that you want to add in your advertising data?

    Best regards,

