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Nrf51422 how to use sd_flash_page_erase, sd_flash_write in SD210

Hi, Now I use these fun in ANT SD210 like below:

void MyFlashWrite(ble_ant_csc_t* cscdata) { uint32_t addr; uint32_t patwr[3]; uint32_t pg_size; uint32_t pg_num; patwr[0]=111;//cscdata->cadence_revolution_cnt_tmp; patwr[1]=222; patwr[2]=333;

pg_num  = NRF_FICR->CODESIZE - 1;  // Use last page in flash

addr = (pg_size * pg_num);// Start address
  printf("Write Addr: 0x%X \r\n",addr);
sd_flash_page_erase(addr);// Erase page
  sd_flash_write	(	&addr, patwr, 3 );	


void MyFlashRead(ble_ant_csc_t* cscdata) { uint32_t *addr; uint32_t pg_data; uint32_t pg_size; uint32_t pg_num;

pg_num  = NRF_FICR->CODESIZE - 1;  // Use last page in flash
  printf("pg_size: 0x%X, pg_num: 0x%X\r\n",pg_size,pg_num);

addr = (uint32_t *)(pg_size * pg_num);// Start address
  printf("Read Addr: 0x%X \r\n",addr);
  flash_word_read(addr, &pg_data);
  printf("pg_data: %d \r\n",pg_data);


But the data read back always be 0, so I dont know where is the problem. and I dont find any answer in other question, so Does anyone can tell me how to use flash read/write in Ant SD210.
