Facing issues in implementing a Bluetooth Mesh

I'm working on implementing a Bluetooth Mesh network where each node periodically sends messages containing a single float32 value or an array of float32 values (e.g., every 5 minutes). Additionally, each node should be able to receive messages and act as a relay for other nodes in the network.

I encountered several challenges in finding suitable mesh models for this use case. Most existing models, like the generic on/off server/client or sensor_srv/sensor_cli models, are designed for specific applications (e.g., sending on/off states or sensor data), which don't align with my requirements.

I also attempted to create a custom model but faced issues with provisioning the nodes or successfully sending/receiving data using the nRF Mesh Android application.

I'm looking for guidance or examples of a basic Bluetooth Mesh implementation that allows sending and receiving custom data (e.g., float32 values). I've already reviewed the Bluetooth Mesh Chat example but couldn't adapt it to my needs. Any advice or resources would be greatly appreciated!
