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softdevice process timing

Hi, all. I use nrf52 and softdevice(S132).

I'd like to know SoftDevice process timing to hardware. Can it be ?

image description

I know, SoftDevice Specification in "Processor availability and interrupt latency" but fixd parametor only.

I want any parametor. (e.g 1paket[10Byte]TX/RX, 2paket[20Byte]TX/RX ...)


  • Hi, I see no easy way to do this, as there might be stack interrupts caused by both radio, and pre- and post-processing. My suggestion is to make a simplified application that emulate the data throughput you are aiming for, and then in main () you have a while loop that continuously toggle an GPIO. That way you can monitor when the GPIO doesn't toggle, and based on that asses the actual interrupt latency for your application by the softdevice stack.

  • Hi, I see no easy way to do this, as there might be stack interrupts caused by both radio, and pre- and post-processing. My suggestion is to make a simplified application that emulate the data throughput you are aiming for, and then in main () you have a while loop that continuously toggle an GPIO. That way you can monitor when the GPIO doesn't toggle, and based on that asses the actual interrupt latency for your application by the softdevice stack.

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