Can connect to uart_peripheral by UUID, but can't connect to a non-Zephyr product

I have managed to get, somehow, a central_uart talking to a peripheral_uart on a pair of  52840 DKs.

I've changed the UUIDs of what I'm trying to connect to, to be those of a different device that has BLE in it.

I've previously connected to this using an RPi and its UART, getting data in and out of it. So I went PC UART <-> Rpi BLE <-> Other Unit

Am trying to repeat that but using the 52840 DK

I've taken the central UART project and changed the code  do to this:

BT_UUID_128_ENCODE(0x2a1f963c, 0x143a, 0x4f7d, 0x9107, 0x6315196a02a6)

/** @brief UUID of the TX Characteristic. **/
#define XLRT_TX_UUID_VAL \
BT_UUID_128_ENCODE(0x651135b0, 0xdfe9, 0x45a2, 0x95c1, 0x46552a8a77e2)

/** @brief UUID of the RX Characteristic. **/
#define XLRT_RX_UUID_VAL \
BT_UUID_128_ENCODE(0xe7d6274e, 0xb765, 0x11e9, 0xa2a3, 0x2a2ae2dbcce4)


Previously this worked fine connecting to the peripheral_uart example project running on the second 52840DK. The only thing I have done is change the UUIDs of the service I want to connect to and the the UUIDs of the two characteristics that I want to read from  and write to.

Can you think of any reason why it would connect to the DK running peripheral_unit and not this other unit? The other unit has an older chip in, using SES and has   the same types od read/write characteristics.

I would expect it to simply connect to the unit because the service UUID matches, even if the BLE data might not get to/from at first due to some other bug in the code. I'm nevere getting the call to function:

static void connected(struct bt_conn *conn, uint8_t conn_err)

Which I do if I try to connect to peripheral_uart.
