Unable to update from NCS 2.6.x to 2.7.x due to ESB radio IRQ handler change

In our firmware we use BLE together with ESB using the MPSL timeslot API, with the implementation inspired by this example: https://github.com/too1/ncs-esb-ble-mpsl-demo

However the function RADIO_IRQHandler(void) which is supposed to be called when the MPSL_TIMESLOT_SIGNAL_RADIO signal is received no longer exists in NCS 2.7.x and later. It was replaced by static void radio_dynamic_irq_handler(const void *args)

Due to the new function being static, it can no longer be called from outside of the esb.c file, and therefore we are unable to compile our source code with NCS 2.7.x.

Could you provide a solid solution for this ESB + BLE case with MPSL timeslot where the radio IRQ handler needs to be manually invoked by the MPSL timeslot signal handler, outside of the esb.c file?

Thanks in advance!
