Can not read registers of bmp390 sensor

Hello, I want to configure the BMP390 using I2C on my custom board. However, when I try to read the CHIP_ID register, I am unable to get the default value, and the function i2c_reg_read_byte_dt returns -5. I have already replaced the sensor, but  still cannot read any data. What could be the problem? Is there any error that I might be missing?

This is my devicetree file.

  &i2c0 {
        compatible = "nordic,nrf-twi";
        status = "okay";
        pinctrl-0 = <&i2c0_default>;
        pinctrl-1 = <&i2c0_sleep>;
        icm42670_device: icm42670@68 {
                compatible = "invensense,icm42670";
                /* reg is the I2C device address.
                 * It must match the node's unit address. */
                reg = <0x68>;
                status = "okay";

                /* Configure other I2C device properties as needed.
                 * Find your device's DT binding for details. */
                accel-hz = <400>; 
                gyro-hz = <400>;
                accel-fs = <8>;
                gyro-fs = <1000>;

        bmp388_device: bmp388@76 {
            compatible = "bosch,bmp388";
            /* reg is the I2C device address.
             * It must match the node's unit address. */
            reg = <0x76>;

            /* Configure other I2C device properties as needed.
             * Find your device's DT binding for details. */
            status = "okay";

            odr = "200";
            osr-press = <8>;
            osr-temp = <1>;
            iir-filter = <3>;

    clock-frequency = <I2C_BITRATE_STANDARD>;

This is my main.c

#include <zephyr/device.h>
#include <zephyr/devicetree.h>
#include <zephyr/drivers/gpio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "../bmp388/bmp388.h"
#include "../icm42670/icm42670.h"

const struct i2c_dt_spec icm42670_dev = I2C_DT_SPEC_GET(ICM42670_NODE);
const struct i2c_dt_spec bmp388_dev = I2C_DT_SPEC_GET(BMP388_NODE);

int main()
	//checking icm42670 bus
    if (!device_is_ready(icm42670_dev.bus)) {
        printk("ICM42670 device is not ready\n");
        return -1;

	//checking bmp388 bus
	if (!device_is_ready(bmp388_dev.bus)) {
        printk("BMP388 device is not ready\n");
        return -1;

	if(icm42670_init(&icm42670_dev) != ICM42670_OK)
		return -1;

	static ICM42670_accelData accel_data = {0};
	static ICM42670_gyroData gyro_data = {0}; 

    return 0;

This is my bmp related c file
#include "bmp388.h"

BMP388_err_t bmp388_init(const struct i2c_dt_spec* dev_i2c)
    int ret = 0;
    uint8_t data;
    if (!device_is_ready(dev_i2c->bus))
        printk("I2C bus is not ready!\n");
        return BMP388_BUS_NOT_RDY;
    ret = i2c_reg_read_byte_dt(dev_i2c,BMP388_REG_CHIPID,&data);
    if(ret != 0){
	    printk("Failed to read from I2C device address %x \n\r", dev_i2c->addr);
        return BMP388_REG_READ_ERR;

    return BMP388_OK;

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