I have an application based on the "peripheral_uart" sample code (nRF52840DK, NCS2.70)
As I use interchangeably the same pins as GPIOs and UARTE1, I use UARTE1 with NRFX drivers:
nrfx_uarte_t uarte1_inst = NRFX_UARTE_INSTANCE(1)
This seems to work well. Note that UARTE1 is not defined in the default devicetree file (nrf52840dk_nrf52840.dts) so I didn't modify app.overlay
My questions are -
- What should I do if I want to use NRFX peripherals that ARE defined in the default dts file (specifically - TWIM0 & TWIM1)
I added the following to prj.cnfCONFIG_I2C=yCONFIG_I2C_NRFX=yCONFIG_NRFX_TWI0=yCONFIG_NRFX_TWI1=ynrfx_twim_t twim_inst = NRFX_TWIM_INSTANCE(0); // Macro expansion error - Is there a way to make a 'pure' NRFX project and get rid of all Devicetree references?