Hi there,
I am trying to interface SPH0465 microphone with nRF Dev Kit 52832 with the following configurations of I2S:
config.word_size = 24; config.channels = 1; config.format = I2S_FMT_DATA_FORMAT_I2S; config.options = I2S_OPT_BIT_CLK_SLAVE | I2S_OPT_FRAME_CLK_SLAVE; config.frame_clk_freq = 44100; // from the datasheet of microphone config.mem_slab = &mem_slab; config.block_size = BLOCK_SIZE; config.timeout = TIMEOUT;
I have followed the code from echo example in Zephyr samples. Here is what it looks like now:
/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Nordic Semiconductor ASA * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include <zephyr/kernel.h> #include <zephyr/sys/printk.h> #include <zephyr/drivers/i2s.h> #include <zephyr/drivers/gpio.h> #include <zephyr/sys/util.h> #include <zephyr/sys/printk.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <zephyr/logging/log.h> #include <zephyr/logging/log_ctrl.h> #include <string.h> #include <zephyr/drivers/pwm.h> #include <zephyr/drivers/uart.h> LOG_MODULE_REGISTER(MODULE, 3); #define MSG_SIZE 32 char tx_buf[MSG_SIZE]; static const struct gpio_dt_spec button = GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET_OR(DT_ALIAS(sw1), gpios, {0}); /* * Print a null-terminated string character by character to the UART interface */ void print_uart(char *buf) { int msg_len = strlen(buf); for (int i = 0; i < msg_len; i++) { // uart_poll_out(uart_dev, buf[i]); printk("%c", buf[i]); } } /////////////////////////// #define I2S_RX_NODE DT_NODELABEL(i2s_rx) #define SAMPLE_FREQUENCY 16000 #define SAMPLE_BIT_WIDTH 24 #define BYTES_PER_SAMPLE 4 #define NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS 1 // #define SAMPLES_PER_BLOCK ((SAMPLE_FREQUENCY / 200) * NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS) #define INITIAL_BLOCKS 2 #define TIMEOUT 1000 // size of a block for .3 ms of audio data // #define BLOCK_SIZE 1024 // 4 samples of 4 bytes each #define BLOCK_SIZE(_sample_rate, _number_of_channels) (BYTES_PER_SAMPLE * (_sample_rate / 200) * _number_of_channels) /* Driver will allocate blocks from this slab to receive audio data into them. * Application, after getting a given block from the driver and processing its * data, needs to free that block. */ #define MAX_BLOCK_SIZE BLOCK_SIZE(SAMPLE_FREQUENCY, 1) #define BLOCK_COUNT 10 #define BYTES_PER_MEM_SLAB BLOCK_SIZE*BLOCK_COUNT // 20 * 220 K_MEM_SLAB_DEFINE_STATIC(mem_slab, MAX_BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_COUNT, 4); // PWM DEFINES static const struct pwm_dt_spec pwm_led0 = PWM_DT_SPEC_GET(DT_ALIAS(pwm_led0)); static const struct pwm_dt_spec pwm_led1 = PWM_DT_SPEC_GET(DT_ALIAS(pwm_led1)); // // frequency for pwm1 module // // Frequency: 4 MHz -> Period: 250 ns (1 / 4 MHz) // // Duty cycle: 50% -> Pulse width: 125 ns #define PERIOD_PWM1_NSEC PWM_NSEC(375U) // 250 nanoseconds for 4 MHz frequency #define PULSE_WIDTH_PWM1_NSEC PWM_NSEC(PERIOD_PWM1_NSEC / 2U) // 50% duty cycle, so pulse width is half the period // // frequency for pwm0 module // // Frequency: 62,500 Hz -> Period: 16 µs (1 / 62500) // // Duty cycle: 50% -> Pulse width: 8 µs #define PERIOD_PWM0_NSEC PWM_NSEC(PERIOD_PWM1_NSEC * 64U) // 16 µs period for pwm1 #define PULSE_WIDTH_PWM0_NSEC PWM_NSEC(PERIOD_PWM0_NSEC / 2U) // 50% duty cycle = 8 µs pulse width K_THREAD_STACK_DEFINE(recording_thread_stack, 20000); static const struct device *mic = DEVICE_DT_GET(I2S_RX_NODE); static K_SEM_DEFINE(enable_recording, 1, 1); static bool recording_active=false; static struct k_thread recording_thread; static k_tid_t worker_thread_id ; void mic_worker_thread(void *p1, void *p2, void *p3) ; int ret; // configuration of the i2s module and trigger prepare of the receiving part void recording_init() { if (!device_is_ready(mic)) { LOG_INF("Microphone device is not supported : %s", mic->name); return; } struct i2s_config config; config.word_size = 24; // it is okay if 24 bits are sampled. rest of the bits are high Z anyways. config.channels = NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS; config.format = I2S_FMT_DATA_FORMAT_LEFT_JUSTIFIED;//I2S_FMT_DATA_FORMAT_I2S; config.options = I2S_OPT_BIT_CLK_SLAVE | I2S_OPT_FRAME_CLK_SLAVE; config.frame_clk_freq = SAMPLE_FREQUENCY; config.mem_slab = &mem_slab; config.block_size = BLOCK_SIZE(SAMPLE_FREQUENCY, NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS); config.timeout = TIMEOUT; int err = i2s_configure(mic, I2S_DIR_RX, &config); if (err < 0) { LOG_ERR("Failed to configure Microphone (%d)", err); return; } // void *rx_buffer; // if (k_mem_slab_alloc(&mem_slab, &rx_buffer, K_NO_WAIT) == 0) { // // Queue the first block for I2S to use // err = i2s_read(mic, &rx_buffer, NULL); // if (err < 0) { // LOG_ERR("Failed to queue initial block (%d)", err); // k_mem_slab_free(&mem_slab, &rx_buffer); // } // } else { // LOG_ERR("Failed to allocate initial memory block"); // } i2s_trigger(mic, I2S_DIR_RX, I2S_TRIGGER_PREPARE); k_sleep(K_MSEC(100)); if (err < 0) { LOG_ERR("Failed to initialize Microphone (%d)", err); return; } k_sem_take(&enable_recording, K_FOREVER); LOG_INF("Recording module initialized"); worker_thread_id = k_thread_create(&recording_thread, recording_thread_stack, K_THREAD_STACK_SIZEOF(recording_thread_stack), mic_worker_thread, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, 0, K_NO_WAIT); } // trigger for receiving void start_recording() { recording_active = true; LOG_INF("Started recording"); // Initialize file for recording. int ret = i2s_trigger(mic, I2S_DIR_RX, I2S_TRIGGER_START); if (ret) { LOG_ERR("Unable to configure trigger start for I2S bus (%d)", ret); return; } k_sem_give(&enable_recording); } // triggering to stop recording void stop_recording() { recording_active = false; LOG_INF("Stopping recording"); int ret = i2s_trigger(mic, I2S_DIR_RX, I2S_TRIGGER_STOP); if (ret) { LOG_ERR("Unable to stop trigger for I2S bus (%d)", ret); } LOG_INF("Completed the Stop Trigger\n"); k_sem_take(&enable_recording, K_FOREVER); } void print_rx_buffer(const void *buffer, size_t size) { if (buffer == NULL) { printf("Buffer is NULL\n"); return; } // Cast the buffer to a uint32_t pointer for easy access if you know it holds 32-bit data const uint32_t *data = (const uint32_t *)buffer; size_t num_elements = size / sizeof(uint32_t); printf("Buffer contents (%zu bytes, %zu samples):\n", size, num_elements); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_elements; i++) { // printf("0x%08X ", data[i]); snprintf(tx_buf, num_elements, "0x%08X ", data[i]); print_uart(tx_buf); // Print a new line every 4 elements for better readability // if ((i + 1) % 4 == 0) { // printf("\n"); // } } // Print a final newline if the last line did not end with one // if (num_elements % 4 != 0) { // printf("\n"); // printf("-----------------------------------------------"); // } } void* rx_buffer; size_t bytes_read; void mic_worker_thread(void *p1, void *p2, void *p3) { LOG_INF("Worker thread started"); void* rx_buffer; size_t bytes_read; while (k_sem_take(&enable_recording, K_FOREVER) == 0) { // remains active as long as recording is ongoing // LOG_INF("Arrived after starting recording \n"); bytes_read=0; int ret=0; if (k_mem_slab_alloc(&mem_slab, &rx_buffer, K_MSEC(500)) == 0) { ret = i2s_read(mic, &rx_buffer, &bytes_read); if (ret < 0) { if ( ret != -5) { LOG_INF("Worker thread error (%d)\r\n", ret); } } else { LOG_INF(" raw rx: %d - Received %d bytes => %d samples ", ((uint32_t *)rx_buffer)[0], bytes_read, bytes_read / sizeof(uint32_t)); } k_mem_slab_free(&mem_slab, &rx_buffer); } k_sem_give(&enable_recording); } LOG_INF("Worker thread ended"); } int main(void) { int ret1; int ret2; LOG_INF("Starting main thread\n\r"); recording_init(); if (!gpio_is_ready_dt(&button)) { printk("Error: button device %s is not ready\n", button.port->name); return 0; } ret = gpio_pin_configure_dt(&button, GPIO_INPUT); if (ret != 0) { printk("Error %d: failed to configure %s pin %d\n", ret, button.port->name, button.pin); return 0; } if (!pwm_is_ready_dt(&pwm_led0)) { printk("Error: PWM device %s is not ready\n", pwm_led0.dev->name); return 0; } if (!pwm_is_ready_dt(&pwm_led1)) { printk("Error: PWM device %s is not ready\n", pwm_led0.dev->name); return 0; } ret1 = pwm_set_dt(&pwm_led0, PERIOD_PWM0_NSEC, PERIOD_PWM0_NSEC / 2U); if (ret1) { printk("Error %d: failed to set pulse width\n", ret1); return 0; } ret2 = pwm_set_dt(&pwm_led1, PERIOD_PWM1_NSEC, PERIOD_PWM1_NSEC / 2U); if (ret2) { printk("Error %d: failed to set pulse width\n", ret2); return 0; } while(1){ if(gpio_pin_get_dt(&button)>0) { start_recording(); k_sleep(K_MSEC(10000)); stop_recording(); LOG_INF("Done Stopping\r\n"); } } return 0; }
And here is the overlay file I am using. This has definition for two PWM modules 0 and 1 with output channel 0 for each on pins 17 and 13, respectively. The I2S module is interfaced with SDIN - 0.26, SCK - 0.31, LRCK - 0.30:
/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Nordic Semiconductor ASA * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ &pinctrl { pwm0_custom: pwm0_custom { group1 { psels = <NRF_PSEL(PWM_OUT0, 0, 17)>; nordic,invert; }; }; pwm0_csleep: pwm0_csleep { group1 { psels = <NRF_PSEL(PWM_OUT0, 0, 17)>; low-power-enable; }; }; pwm1_custom: pwm1_custom { group1 { psels = <NRF_PSEL(PWM_OUT0, 0, 13)>; nordic,invert; }; }; pwm1_csleep: pwm1_csleep { group1 { psels = <NRF_PSEL(PWM_OUT0, 0, 13)>; low-power-enable; }; }; i2s0_default_alt: i2s0_default_alt { group1 { psels = <NRF_PSEL(I2S_SDIN, 0, 26)>, <NRF_PSEL(I2S_SCK_S, 0, 31)>, <NRF_PSEL(I2S_LRCK_S, 0, 30)>; }; }; i2s0_sleep: i2s0_sleep { group1 { psels = <NRF_PSEL(I2S_SDIN, 0, 26)>, <NRF_PSEL(I2S_SCK_S, 0, 31)>, <NRF_PSEL(I2S_LRCK_S, 0, 30)>; low-power-enable; }; }; }; i2s_rx: &i2s0 { status = "okay"; pinctrl-0 = <&i2s0_default_alt>; pinctrl-names = "default"; }; &pwm0 { status = "okay"; pinctrl-0 = <&pwm0_custom>; pinctrl-1 = <&pwm0_csleep>; pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; }; &pwm1 { status = "okay"; pinctrl-0 = <&pwm1_custom>; pinctrl-1 = <&pwm1_csleep>; pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; }; /{ pwmleds { compatible = "pwm-leds"; pwm_led0: pwm_led_0 { // pwms = <&pwm0 0 PWM_MSEC(20) PWM_POLARITY_NORMAL>; pwms = <&pwm0 0 PWM_NSEC(250) PWM_POLARITY_NORMAL>; }; pwm_led1: pwm_led_1 { // pwms = <&pwm1 0 PWM_MSEC(20) PWM_POLARITY_NORMAL>; pwms = <&pwm1 0 PWM_NSEC(250) PWM_POLARITY_NORMAL>; }; }; aliases { pwm-led0 = &pwm_led0; pwm-led1 = &pwm_led1; }; };
There are no compilation errors but as I run the program, here is the output log:
[00:00:05.747,283] <27>[0m<inf> MODULE: Started recording<27>[0m<\r><\n> [00:00:05.752,777] <27>[0m<inf> MODULE: Worker thread started<27>[0m<\r><\n> [00:00:05.758,636] <27>[0m<inf> MODULE: raw rx: -3276800 - Rec[00:00:05.764,312] <27>[1;31m<err> i2s_nrfx: No room in RX queue<27>[0m<\r><\n> [00:00:05.770,416] <27>[1;31m<err> i2s_nrfx: No room in RX queue<27>[0m<\r><\n> eived 320 bytes => 80 samples <27>[0m<\r><\n> [00:00:05.779,663] <27>[0m<inf> MODULE: raw rx: 8134048 - Received 320 bytes => 80 samples <27>[0m<\r><\n> [00:00:05.788,330] <27>[0m<inf> MODULE: raw rx: 8135328 - Received 320 bytes => 80 samples <27>[0m<\r><\n> [00:00:05.796,997] <27>[0m<inf> MODULE: raw rx: 8136288 - Received 320 bytes => 80 samples <27>[0m<\r><\n> [00:00:05.820,739] <27>[0m<inf> MODULE: raw rx: 8137952 - Received 320 bytes => 80 samples <27>[0m<\r><\n> [00:00:15.752,807] <27>[0m<inf> MODULE: Stopping recording<27>[0m<\r><\n> [00:00:15.758,361] <27>[1;31m<err> MODULE: Unable to stop trigger for I2S bus (-5)<27>[0m<\r><\n> [00:00:15.766,052] <27>[0m<inf> MODULE: Completed the Stop Trigger<\n><27>[0m<\r><\n> [00:00:15.772,430] <27>[0m<inf> MODULE: Done Stopping<\r>
My questions are as follows:
- Why does i2s_read face "No Room in RX queue" right after the thread starts recording but no such error appears afterwards as there is plenty of space in memory slab?
- Why does i2s_trigger fail at stopping the recording?
Any advice on how to allocate the next RX buffer location will be appreciated.