Download Client Redirect Querry


I am using download_client to get a bigger file (100KB) to my memory via LTE-M. The Files are located in a bucket and I use a shortURL to get the signedDownload URL. If I use this short URL in Download Client I get the Error "http/1.1 301 moved permanently". This seems to be correct, the URL is initialy ofcourse a redirect. But how can I handle this in my code? I couldnt find a way to read the header files with download client nor do I see any option for redirect hops or something like this. Is there even a solution? Or is it the limits of the low level integration?

Thanks for helping and best regards


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  • The ShortUrl is generated on a Serverside and send to the device. I can give you some snippet that shows how it works.


    # Download Client

    there is Downloader:
    #define URL ""
    static struct download_client downloader;
    static struct download_client_cfg config = {};      
            if (awsGetCloudConnected() && !doOnce) {
                doOnce = true;
                LOG_INF("[MAIN] DL INIT");
                int err = download_client_init(&downloader, callbackDl);
                if (err) {
                    printk("[MAIN] Failed to initialize the client, err %d", err);
                err = download_client_get(&downloader, URL, &config, URL, 0);
                if (err) {
                    printk("[MAIN] Failed to start the downloader, err %d", err);
                    return 0;
                printk("[MAIN] Downloading %s\n", URL);
            if (dlClientDone) {
                dlClientDone = false;
                char recoverDataStr[2050] = {};
                strncpy(recoverDataStr, downloader.buf, sizeof(recoverDataStr));
                printk("[DL] Payload: \"%s\"\n", recoverDataStr);

    And there is the callback:

    static int callbackDl(const struct download_client_evt *event) {
        static size_t downloaded;
        static size_t file_size;
        if (downloaded == 0) {
            download_client_file_size_get(&downloader, &file_size);
            downloaded += 0;
        switch (event->id) {
                downloaded += event->fragment.len;
                if (file_size) {
                    progress_print(downloaded, file_size);
                    char recoverDataStr[2200] = {};
                    strncpy(recoverDataStr, event->fragment.buf, event->fragment.len);
                    printk("%s \n", recoverDataStr);
                } else {
                    printk("\r[ %d bytes ] ", downloaded);
                return 0;
                printk("[DL] CLOSED\n");
                dlClientDone = true;
                return 0;
            case DOWNLOAD_CLIENT_EVT_DONE:
                printk("[DL] DONE\n");
                return 0;
                printk("[DL] Error %d during download\n", event->error);
                return -1;
        return 0;

    I am not sure what you mean by more log, but here is a sample output with LOG DEBUG (DOWNLOAD_CLIENT_LOG_LEVEL_DBG):

    00> *** Booting nRF Connect SDK v2.7.0-5cb85570ca43 ***
    00> *** Using Zephyr OS v3.6.99-100befc70c74 ***
    00> I: [MAIN] Starting application 2.0.1
    00> I: 16 Sectors of 4096 bytes
    00> I: alloc wra: 2, fc0
    00> I: data wra: 2, a20
    00> I: [LED] led sample
    00> I: [SPI] init
    00> I: [DISPLAY] sleep start
    00> I: [DISPLAY] WAIT finished
    00> I: [DISPLAY] sleep done
    00> I: [MAIN] Chip is NEW - set LTE-M
    00> I: [MODEM] Modem Band Lock Set
    00> I: [MODEM] Version: 2.0.1
    00> I: [MODEM] Network registration status: Connected - roaming
    00> I: [MODEM] PSM parameter update: TAU: 3240, Active time: -1
    00> I: [MODEM] client_id: nrf-35940*
    00> I: [AWS] iot_connect - init done
    00> W: [AWS] iot_reconnect - wait 30 s connect try: 1/30
    00> I: [MODEM] BOOT Image Confirmed
    00> I: [MAIN] DL INIT
    00> D: state = 1
    00> I: Downloading: [0]
    00> [MAIN] Downloading
    00> D: Port not specified, using default: 80
    00> D: Failed to resolve hostname on IPv6
    00> D: family: 1, type: 1, proto: 6
    00> I: Connecting to
    00> D: fd 1, addrlen 8, fam IPv4, port 80
    00> D: state = 2
    00> D: Receiving up to 2048 bytes at 0x2000cbd8...
    00> D: Read 620 bytes from socket
    00> D: GET header size: 620
    00> E: Unexpected HTTP response: 301 moved permanently
    00> [DL] Error -77 during download
    00> D: state = 4
    00> D: state = 0
    00> [DL] CLOSED
    00> D: Connection closed
    00> [DL] Payload: "http/1.1 301 moved permanently"

    The links are save to stay public But they wont work anymore after some time

    The Download Client Sample worked fine btw. so thats not the issue.
