Out Of Band Example


I am using nrf52832 as a peripheral and running SD S132. l am looking for an ble peripheral example wherein the Out of Band security level is used.

Can you point me to one of the OUT of Band examples?



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  • I understand. No, we don't have a sample that does OOB, strictly speaking. The SDK\examples\ble_peripheral\experimental\ble_nfc_pairing_reference does it to some extent, but it has elements of a proprietary oob approach.

    We do however have some samples that use passkey, such as the ble_app_gls example (SDK\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_gls), but that is not strictly OOB, because it doesn't use another protocol, but it does use passkeys printed in the log. They are not being sent over BLE, but generated on one side, and confirmed on the other side. 

    So perhaps you can test this, and you can also see what happens if you set the SEC_PARAM_OOB to 1.

    Best regards,

