v2.8.0, nrf54l15, using the "periphral_uart" demo without any modifications
I downloaded nrf52840 using v2.8.0 and it runs normally, but nrf54l15 has issues.
The steps are as follows:
v2.8.0, nrf54l15, using the "periphral_uart" demo without any modifications
I downloaded nrf52840 using v2.8.0 and it runs normally, but nrf54l15 has issues.
The steps are as follows:
nRF Util can be found here: docs.nordicsemi.com/.../recommended_versions.html
It‘s workding,need to restart vs code and execute nrfutil install device.
I encountered the same problems and I cannot use pip to install it, could you please give me some advice:)
The download page can be found through the link in my other reply, but here is a direct link: https://www.nordicsemi.com/Products/Development-tools/nrf-util
I also encountered the same issue. Here is a temporary solution:
Download the nrfutil.exe and place it in the same directory as 'west':
\ncs\toolchains\2d382dcd92<is your toolchain>\opt\bin\Scripts
Thanks a lot!!!
Hello, I've put nrfutil in the tolchains folder. Now I get this error. I type in device install but its says nrtutil command not found. VS on M4 mac 2.9SDK 54l15 DK
Flashing build54DK to 54L15 DK1 west flash -d /Users/rafal/Documents/Nordic_Boards/Apps/build54DK --skip-rebuild --dev-id 1057731392 -- west flash: using runner nrfutil -- runners.nrfutil: reset after flashing requested -- runners.nrfutil: Flashing file: /Users/rafal/Documents/Nordic_Boards/Apps/build54DK/merged.hex Error: nrfutil command `device` not found. See `nrfutil list` for full list of installed commands, `nrfutil search` for installable commands, and `nrfutil install` for installation of new commands. Caused by: Subcommand nrfutil-device not found -- runners.nrfutil: Board with serial number 1057731392 flashed successfully. * Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.
Hello, I've put nrfutil in the tolchains folder. Now I get this error. I type in device install but its says nrtutil command not found. VS on M4 mac 2.9SDK 54l15 DK
Flashing build54DK to 54L15 DK1 west flash -d /Users/rafal/Documents/Nordic_Boards/Apps/build54DK --skip-rebuild --dev-id 1057731392 -- west flash: using runner nrfutil -- runners.nrfutil: reset after flashing requested -- runners.nrfutil: Flashing file: /Users/rafal/Documents/Nordic_Boards/Apps/build54DK/merged.hex Error: nrfutil command `device` not found. See `nrfutil list` for full list of installed commands, `nrfutil search` for installable commands, and `nrfutil install` for installation of new commands. Caused by: Subcommand nrfutil-device not found -- runners.nrfutil: Board with serial number 1057731392 flashed successfully. * Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.
Please try to install the "device" command by running nrfutil install device.
I get thus when i type it:
rafal@Rafals-MacBook-Pro-M4 Apps % nrfutil install device zsh: command not found: nrfutil rafal@Rafals-MacBook-Pro-M4 Apps %