AutoPTS setup on nrf5340


We are trying to test our product for qualification purposes. I found documentation for configuring a Windows environment on the nrf52 series and trying to apply it to nrf5340.

The project sits in zephyr/tests/bluetooth/tester, and seems like it has an overlay and .conf files appropriate for the nrf5340, but the README lacks information on how to actually flash it.

there are some references to hci_ipc (ipc_radio in the newer SDK?) but the network core image does not get built like it does in the various sample projects that use Bluetooth. I am hoping you can give me some pointers on how to set everything up so we can run some of the tests via AutoPTS.

I have seen some relevant discussion in case 334059.


  • Hello,

    I assume you are using sysbuild in either SDK v2.7.0 or SDK v2.8.0? In that case, you can add the Kconfig.sysbuild file attached below to include ipc_radio in your build. If you also need to apply configuration changes to the ipc_radio image, you can create a folder named 'sysbuild' and add a your 'ipc_radio.conf' Kconfig fragment there. 

    ├── CMakeLists.txt
    ├── Kconfig
    ├── Kconfig.sysbuild <-- Enable sysbuild config to include ipc_radio
    ├── prj.conf
    ├── src
    └── sysbuild
           └── ipc_radio.conf<-- Kconfig fragment for ipc_radio image if it's neccessary to override the default configuration.

    Best regards,


  • Hey, thanks for the reply, and sorry for the late response. I managed to build it with the sysbuild config as you said. Next, I set up and environment using AutoPTS, with the PTS server running on a Windows machine, and a PTS client running on a Mac, I tried testing with the "zephyr-master" workspace and I got this fail on the first test:

    Number of test cases to run: 2764
    1/2764 AICS AICS/SR/SGGIT/SER/BV-01-C ERROR: Argument provided has a wrong value. Memory access not aligned, value
    ERROR: outside of range or similar.

    I tried just running a series of test for the BAP proflie and I get the same:

    Number of test cases to run: 20
    1/20 BAP BAP/CL/CGGIT/CHA/BV-03-C ERROR: Argument provided has a wrong value. Memory access not aligned, value
    ERROR: outside of range or similar.

    I guess something is wrong in my configuration. There are 2 files in the tester project that reference the nrf5340: 

    nrf5340_hci_ipc_cpunet.conf (copied to ipc_radio.conf)
    nrf5340_hci_ipc (added to prj.conf)

    Looking forward to your input,

  • Hey, thanks for the reply, and sorry for the late response. I managed to build it with the sysbuild config as you said. Next, I set up and environment using AutoPTS, with the PTS server running on a Windows machine, and a PTS client running on a Mac, I tried testing with the "zephyr-master" workspace and I got this fail on the first test:

    Number of test cases to run: 2764
    1/2764 AICS AICS/SR/SGGIT/SER/BV-01-C ERROR: Argument provided has a wrong value. Memory access not aligned, value
    ERROR: outside of range or similar.

    I tried just running a series of test for the BAP proflie and I get the same:

    Number of test cases to run: 20
    1/20 BAP BAP/CL/CGGIT/CHA/BV-03-C ERROR: Argument provided has a wrong value. Memory access not aligned, value
    ERROR: outside of range or similar.

    I guess something is wrong in my configuration. There are 2 files in the tester project that reference the nrf5340: 

    nrf5340_hci_ipc_cpunet.conf (copied to ipc_radio.conf)
    nrf5340_hci_ipc (added to prj.conf)

    Looking forward to your input,

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